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Name | Aerial Flist : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Charge: Whenever Aerial Flist attacks, add one energy to it before energy is removed. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Aerial Flist, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "They fly like a feather and land like a rock." -Wence, Adventurer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Aerial Flist : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Charge: Whenever Aerial Flist attacks, add one energy to it before energy is removed. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Aerial Flist, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "They fly like a feather and land like a rock." -Wence, Adventurer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Ainjer : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Grr: Discard Ainjer from play. Choose any one Creature in play. Discard one energy from the chosen Creature for each of your Bograth Creatures in play. Opposing cards do not affect Grr when it is used and cannot alter the amount of energy discarded by Grr. Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Effect - Shifty: Ainjer loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "It's coming down, and we're all going with it!" -Golthub, Royal Toady |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Ainjer Swarm : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | If you have at least four Bograth Creatures in play, all opposing Creatures in play lose one energy. |
Flavor: | "The creatures here are as persistant as the stench." -Boria, Elder |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Akkar : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Rolling Thunder: If any opponent has more Creatures in play than you do, your Magi's Energize rate is increased by two. Effect - Invulnerability: Akkar loses two less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "No one understands the source of my power." "Not even you?" "Shaddap." -Korok and Jagt |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Akkar : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Rolling Thunder: If any opponent has more Creatures in play than you do, your Magi's Energize rate is increased by two. Effect - Invulnerability: Akkar loses two less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "No one understands the source of my power." "Not even you?" "Shaddap." -Korok and Jagt |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | All-High King Korg : Core Magi |
Cost: | 24 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Pyder, Gwaeg, Turn |
Effect: | Korg can only play Core, Bograth, and Universal cards. Effect - Super Clever: Korg cannot play Relics. Effect - Super Brave: Whenever Korg has not energy he is defeated, even if he has Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Um... yeah! I had a good idea of Zet's: I'm king!" |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | All-High King Korg : Bograth Magi |
Cost: | 24 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Pyder, Gwaeg, Turn |
Effect: | Korg can only play Core, Bograth, and Universal cards. Effect - Super Clever: Korg cannot play Relics. Effect - Super Brave: Whenever Korg has not energy he is defeated, even if he has Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Um... yeah! I had a good idea of Zet's: I'm king!" |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Alpine Xamf : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Strengthen: Whenever you play a Kybar's Teeth or Naroom Creature, add one energy to it. |
Flavor: | "I don't care what they say in the mountains, those things always herald bad news in my books." -Zet |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Alpine Xamf : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Strengthen: Whenever you play a Kybar's Teeth or Naroom Creature, add one energy to it. |
Flavor: | "I don't care what they say in the mountains, those things always herald bad news in my books." -Zet |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ambush : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. The chosen Creature loses energy equal to its starting energy. |
Flavor: | "There's so may plants... how can you tell which one is the am-bush?" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Botanical Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Arawan : Paradwyn Magi |
Cost: | 11 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Ghazran, Scarletsong Hwit, Rode of Petals |
Effect: | Power - Warp Driven: 1 - Search your deck for any one Creature with the Effect "Dreamwarp." Place the chosen Creature into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards. |
Flavor: | "I fear nothing. Korg least of all." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Ardonia : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Jungle Guard |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | One Jungle Stalker, Jungle Jile, Stalk |
Effect: | Effect - Restless Hunt: At the end of each of your turns, all opposing stalked Creatures in play loses one energy. |
Flavor: | "I'll delay them as long as I can. But we need to send someone for help." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Arosa : Orothe Magi |
Trait: | Stormkeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Abaquist, Karak Band, Submerge |
Effect: | Effect - Shell Game: At the end of your turn, you may choose one of your Creatures in play and an opposing Creature in play. The two chosen Creatures switch controllers. At the end of your opponent's next turn, return any of the chosen Creatures that are still in play to their owner's control. |
Flavor: | "Got it. Got it. Got it. Need it... got it." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Awakening : Core Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Place Awakening on the table. At the beginning of your turn, if you have all five Shadow Geysers in play, defeat all opposing Magi stacks. Whenever one of your Shadow Geysers is discarded from play by an opposing card, play that Shadow Geyser at the end of your next turn, ignoring all costs, restrictions, and effects of the Shadow Geyser being played. |
Flavor: | "I will be the master of five..." -Agram |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Baa : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Grand High Summoner |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Bolobog, Slamath, Green Stuff |
Effect: | Effect - Hordes: Whenever you play a Bograth Creature, you may discard one energy from Baa to draw an additional card at the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "I look for things. Things to make us grow." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Baby Furok : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Cuddly-Wuddly: The first opposing Spell, Power, Effect, or attack that removes energy from Baby Furok during each opposing player's turn removes no energy from it. |
Flavor: | "They're even more dangerous than adult furoks; at least the adults know they're not supposed to jump on you." -Sperri, Friend of Furoks |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Baby Furok : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Cuddly-Wuddly: The first opposing Spell, Power, Effect, or attack that removes energy from Baby Furok during each opposing player's turn removes no energy from it. |
Flavor: | "They're even more dangerous than adult furoks; at least the adults know they're not supposed to jump on you." -Sperri, Friend of Furoks |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bagala : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Pack Hunt: Whenever Bagala attacks, before energy is removed, add one energy to it for each of your Bagala Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Strength and numbers." -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bagala Cub : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Famil Ties: When Bagala Cub is discarded from play, search your deck for any one Bagala. Place it into your hand. Reshuffle your deck afterwards. |
Flavor: | "Are you sure you didn't hear its mother?" -Wiep, the Sniveler |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bagala Fangs : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | If an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect causes you to discard one or more cards from your hand, you may discard Bagala Fangs from your hand or from play instead. If you do, until your current Magi is defeated, no opposing cards can cause you to discard cards from your hand. Power - Downs: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the start of your next turn, the chosen Creature's starting energy is one. Power - Ups: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the start of your next turn, the chosen Creature's starting energy is ten. |
Flavor: | "The cycle of life has its ups and downs. This'll help you ride that cycle." -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bagala Hunter : Paradwyn Creature |
Trait: | Jungle Stalker |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Power - Stalk: Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Until the end of your next turn, the chosen Creature is stalked; whenever a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. Effect - Hunt: Whenever Bagala Hunter attacks a stalked Creature, add one eneryg to Bagala Hunter before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | Hunting in the jungle lush, Creeping through the underbrush. Until upon the prey you rush, It's much more fun to pounce. -The Scarlet Song |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Ballistic Baldar : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Fly Like a Rock: At the end of your turn, discard five energy from Ballastic Baldar. If Ballistic Baldar is still in play, roll a die. Choose a number of Creatures in play equal to the die roll. You cannot chose a Creature more than once. Discard three energy from each of the chosen Creatures. |
Flavor: | "It'll never fly." "That's... not the point." -Whall and Kazm |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Ballistic Baldar : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Fly Like a Rock: At the end of your turn, discard five energy from Ballastic Baldar. If Ballistic Baldar is still in play, roll a die. Choose a number of Creatures in play equal to the die roll. You cannot chose a Creature more than once. Discard three energy from each of those chosen Creatures. |
Flavor: | "It'll never fly." "That's... not the point." -Whall and Kazm |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Barak the Red : Cald Magi |
Trait: | Warlord |
Cost: | 17 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Arbolit, Flame Rudwot, Thermal Blast |
Effect: | Power - Command: 1 - Search your deck for any one Cald Creature and place it into your hand. Discard a card from your hand. Reshuffle your deck afterwards. |
Flavor: | Barak bravely faced down the great, shadowy beast. "Would you believe... a bit, hot, red-orange fireball and an ash hyren?" |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bazha : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Lifekeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Bagala, Jungle Hyren, Bahza's Pedant |
Effect: | Effect - Wild Blooming: All of your Paradwyn Creatures in play can use each of their Powers one additional time each turn. At the end of your opponent's next turn, discard from play all of your Creatures that used any of their Powers an additional time during your turn. |
Flavor: | "The beatdown goes on... " |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bazha's Pendant : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Reply: Once per turn, immediately after an opposing player plays a Spell or Relic or uses a Power on one of their cards in play, you may use a Power on one of your cards in play. |
Flavor: | "Persistence will win out in the end. They will tire and go home. I hope." -Bahza, Lifekeeper |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Blade Hyren : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 10 |
Effect: | Effect - Great Weave: Whenver Blade Hyren attacks, you may move one energy from each of your other Weave Creatures in play to Blade Hyren. Effect -Bequest: If Blade Hyren is specifically discarded from play by an opposing Spell or Power, move all energy on Blade Hyren to any one of your Creatures in play. Weave Shadow Magi can play Blade Hyren. |
Flavor: | "If you strike down the blade hyren, something else will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." -Zaya, Elder |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bloom : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | You can only play Bloom during an opponent's turn immediately after that opponent plays a Spell or Relic or uses a Power. After playing this Spell, immediately use any one Power on one of your cards in play or play a Spell from your hand. |
Flavor: | "No, no Ashgar, around here, we pronounce the L, bLLLLoom!" -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Blue Yajo : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Timid: Blue Yajo cannot attack. Power - Strengthen: 3 - Choose any one other Creature in play. Add six energy to the chosen Creature. That Creature cannot attack this turn. Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Effect - Weave: Whenever Blue Yajo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Blue Yajo and any one of your other Orothe or Weave Creatures in play |
Flavor: | "Cald may be tough, but they are surrounded by seas of waters and grass." -Gia, Seer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Blue Yajo : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Timid: Blue Yajo cannot attack. Power - Strengthen: 3 - Choose any one other Creature in play. Add six energy to the chosen Creature. That Creature cannot attack this turn. Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Effect - Weave: Whenever Blue Yajo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move one energy between Blue Yajo and any one of your other Orothe or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Cald may be tough, but they are surrounded by seas of waters and grass." -Gia, Seer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Blygt : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Magnificent Remembering Guy |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Moob, Moss Quido, Swamp Weebo |
Effect: | Power - Waking Dreams: 3 - Choose up to three different Bograth Creatures in your discard pile and play each of them with one energy instead of its normal starting energy. An opposing player immediately discards any one of those Creatures from play. Those Creatures cannot attack this turn. |
Flavor: | "Of course I'm depressed. People keep crushing my dreams." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Bog Stench : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Until the end of your next turn, you are considered to have two additional Bograth Creatures in play for all your Spells, Powers, and Effects. |
Flavor: | "It's not just the smell that grosses me out. It's the sounds as I walk through the swamp." -Yaki, Tracker |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bog Stone : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Rummage: 2 - Place any one Bograth Creature from your discard pile into your hand. |
Flavor: | In Bograth, the cycle of life means the mud is made of churned up nightmares, waiting to be pulled out again. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Bog Wellisk : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Dream Draft: Whenever an opponent plays a Relic, if your Magi is Bograth or Orothe, you may immediately play Bog Wellisk from your hand, ignoring all costs. You may only play one Bog Wellisk in this way per turn. |
Flavor: | "What you talk'n 'bout, wellisk?" -Brie, Vault Curator |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bog Wellisk : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Dream Draft: Whenever an opponent plays a Relic, if your Magi is Bograth or Orothe, you may immediately play Bog Wellisk from your hand, ignoring all costs. You may only play one Bog Wellisk in this way per turn. |
Flavor: | "What you talk'n 'bout, wellisk?" -Brie, Vault Curator |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Bolobog : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Strengthen: Discard Bolobog from play. Choose any one Creature in play. Add one energy to the chosen Creature for each of your Bograth Creatures in play. Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Effect - Shifty: Bolobog loses no energy from opposing effects. |
Flavor: | "Say hello to my little friends." -Emlob, Obessive Detailer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Boomstick : Cald Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Boom: 6 - Choose any one Creature in play. Discard eight energy from the chosen Creature. STARTING: Ashgar |
Flavor: | "This is my BOOMSTICK!" -Ashgar, Flamekeeper |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Boria : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Elder |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Jungle Hyren, Rala Tail, Tropical Rain |
Effect: | Effect - Dreamwarp: As any opposing players plays a Creature, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one until the end of turn, to a minimum starting energy of one. This Effect cannot raise a Creature's starting energy above the amount of energy on that player's Magi. |
Flavor: | "When in Paradwyn, if you don't hear anything, worry." -Bograthian watchwords |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Brog : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Great First of Korg |
Cost: | 14 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | N'Kala, Gwaeg, Zungg |
Effect: | Effect - Fertilize: Whenever a Creature is discarde from play in an attack, add one energy to Brog. |
Flavor: | "I am Brog. Resistance is fertile." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Brushfire : Cald Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard two energy from the chosen Creature. Once per turn, you may play any one Brushfire from your discard pile as if it were in your hand. |
Flavor: | After Agram's defeat, a fire team of Cald Magi pursued the fleeing Shadow Magi into the Weave. No one foresaw the destruction they would cause. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Brushfire : Weave Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard two energy from the chosen Creature. Once per turn, you may play any one Brushfire from your discard pile as if it were in your hand. |
Flavor: | After Agram's defeat, a fire team of Cald Magi pursued the fleeing Shadow Magi into the Weave. No one foresaw the destruction they would cause. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bubble Xyx : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Burst: 2 - Discard two energy from your Magi to draw three cards. STARTING: Stradus |
Flavor: | Pop! |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Bubble Xyx : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Burst: 2 - Discard two energy from your Magi to draw three cards. STARTING: Stradus |
Flavor: | Pop! |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Chaos Flugg : Core Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Resistance: Core and Weave Spells and Powers do not affect Chaos Flugg. Power - Dark Demanding: Discard Chaos Flugg from play. Discard all Core and all Weave Creatures from play. Weave Magi can play Chaos Flugg. STARTING: Ashio |
Flavor: | "Curses! How does Gia always know where we are? This place is no longer safe for us." -Ashio |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Chasm Jile : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Dreamform: Whenever Chasm Jile is attacked, you may discard it from play. If you do, play any one d'Resh or Weave Creature from your hand with its starting energy, ignoring all costs. The played Creature replaces Chasm Jile as the defender. |
Flavor: | "Off to catch a chasm jile." -d'Resh phrase meaning 'having some fun.' |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Chasm Jile : d'Resh Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Dreamform: Whenever Chasm Jile is attacked, you may discard it from play. If you do, play any one d'Resh or Weave Creature from your hand with its starting energy, ignoring all costs. The played Creature replaces Chasm Jile as the defender. |
Flavor: | "Off to catch a chasm jile." -d'Resh phrase meaning 'having some fun.' |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Cleansing : Kybar's Teeth Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Name any one non-Magi Core card. For the rest of this game, all cards of that name are Kybar's Teeth or Underneath, your choice, instead of Core. STARTING: Kazm, Ulk, Grej |
Flavor: | "There is good in her, I can sense it." -Ulk, to Grej |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Cleansing : Underneath Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Name any one non-Magi Core card. For the rest of this game, all cards of that name are Kybar's Teeth or Underneath, your choice, instead of Core. STARTING: Kazm, Ulk, Grej |
Flavor: | "That sounds pretty cheesy, you know." -Grej, to Ulk |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Corathan : Core Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Betrayal: Whenever you gain control of an opposing card, choose any one Core or Orothe card in your discard pile and place it into your hand. Orothe Magi can play Corathan. |
Flavor: | "This is the deepest treachery of all." -Mobis, Elder |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Creeping Chill : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Until the end of your next turn, whenever one of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures is attacked, it gains three energy for each of your Bograth Creatures in play, and whenever one of your Bograth Creatures attacks, it gains three energy for each of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Cold winds from the mountains, and cold fogs from the swap... are they really all that different? |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Creeping Chill : Kybar's Teeth Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Until the end of your next turn, whenever one of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures is attacked, it gains three energy for each of your Bograth Creatures in play, and whenever one of your Bograth Creatures attacks, it gains three energy for each of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Cold winds from the mountains, and cold fogs from the swap... are they really all that different? |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Crown of Grath : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Mostly Regal Presence: All non-Core, non-Bograth Creatures in play lose one energy, before energy is removed, whenever they attack one of your Bograth Creatures. |
Flavor: | "It fits me like a glove!" "Korg, you wear it on your head." -Korg and Zet |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Darkness : Core Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, play it as a Core Creature with half of its starting energy, rounded up. Ignoring all costs. That Creature cannot attack or use any of its Powers this turn. Shadow Magi cannot play this Spell. |
Flavor: | "Do not worry about Naroom's allies, for I am fear." -Hrada, Dark Ruler |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Fungus : Underneath Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, its Magi does not energize on their next turn. Only Underneath Magi and Underneath Shadow Magi can play Crushing Fungus. |
Flavor: | "Eep! It feels like the mushrooms are closing in on me." "Relax, they are." -Grej and Ulk |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Growth : Weave Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, all opposing Creatures must attack on their player's next turn, if able. Only Weave Magi and Weave Shadow Magi can play Crushing Growth. |
Flavor: | "Nothing's more fun than just sitting around watching the grass grow." -Kesia, Musician |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Heat : Cald Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, its Magi cannot use any of their Powers or Effects or any Power or Effects on their Relics until the start of your next turn. Only Cald Magi and Cald Shadow Magi can play Crushing Heat. |
Flavor: | "No, trust me, it's just you." -Valkan, Pyromancer and former bridge-builder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Roots : Naroom Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, choose any one of your Creatures in play. Add three energy to that Creature. Only Naroom Magi and Naroom Shadow Magi can play Crushing Roots. |
Flavor: | Tryn and Barak watched in horror as the ash hyren stood aside. The great shadow beast loomed over Barak. "Run!" yelled Tryn, as she bought forth great roots to beat the monster back. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Stench : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If the chosen Creature is discarded from play, play a Bograth Creature from your hand with two energy instead of its starting energy. That Creature cannot attack this turn. Only Bograth Magi and Bograth Shadow Magi can play Crushing Stench. |
Flavor: | "Oh... my... there are things we were not meant to know..." -Stradus, Warrior |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Stones : Kybar's Teeth Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, add one energy to each of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures in play. Only Kybar's Teeth Magi and Kybar's Teeth Shadow Magi can play Crushing Stones. |
Flavor: | Weight patiently. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Surf : Orothe Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, choose any one of that player's Relics in play. Gain control of the chosen Relic. Only Orothe Magi and Orothe Shadow Magi can play Crushing Surf. |
Flavor: | "(GASP) It must be mine!" -Bria, Collector, upon seeing the Scroll of Fire |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Vines : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Remove four energy from the chosen Creature. If the chosen Creature is discarded from play, until the end of your turn, all of that player's Creatures are stalked; whenever a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. Only Paradwyn Magi and Paradwyn Shadow Magi can play Crushing Vines. |
Flavor: | "Mmmm, Crushing vines." -Culia, Jungle Guard |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Crushing Winds : Arderial Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play. Discard four energy from the chosen Creature. If this discards the chosen Creature from play, draw two cards. Only Arderial Magi and Arderial Shadow Magi can play Crushing Winds. |
Flavor: | "Wow, this wind could blow away a furok... hey, where's my furok?" -Sperri, Friend of Furoks |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Culla : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Jungle Guard |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | One Jungle Stalker, Magor, Stalker's Boots |
Effect: | Effect - Surround: Whenever one of yoru Creatures in play attacks a stalked Creature, add one energy to the attacking Creature before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "Well, as Marella would say, 'Culla me happy to meet you.' Ha ha... ha... never mind." -M'lady Iyori, Emissary to Paradwyn |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Curse of the Abaquist : Orothe Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one of your Orothe or Paradwyn Creatures in play. Until the end of the turn, the chosen Creature gains the text: 'Power - Possess: Choose any one opposing Creature in play with less energy than this Creature. Discard this Creature from play. Gain control of the chosen Creature. That Creature cannot attack this turn." Orothe Shadow Magi and Paradwyn Shadow Magi can play Curse of the Abaquist. |
Flavor: | "Funny, I usually hear my opponent's curse at the abaquist." -Arose, Stormkeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Curse of the Abaquist : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose any one of your Orothe or Paradwyn Creatures in play. Until the end of the turn, the chosen Creature gains the text: 'Power - Possess: Choose any one opposing Creature in play with less energy than this Creature. Discard this Creature from play. Gain control of the chosen Creature. That Creature cannot attack this turn." Orothe Shadow Magi and Paradwyn Shadow Magi can play Curse of the Abaquist. |
Flavor: | "Funny, I usually hear my opponent's curse at the abaquist." -Arose, Stormkeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | d'Jarvish : d'Resh Magi |
Cost: | 14 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Sikra, Cave Rudwot, Burrow |
Effect: | Effect - Strengthen: At the end of your turn, add one energy to each of your burrowed and illusionary Creatures that attacked this turn. Effect - Escape: Your burrowed and illusionary Creatures that are discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Creatures from play are instead returned to your hand. |
Flavor: | "I think I thought I saw things you can't even imagine." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | d'Jarvish : Underneath Magi |
Cost: | 14 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Sikra, Cave Rudwot, Burrow |
Effect: | Effect - Strengthen: At the end of your turn, add one energy to each of your burrowed and illusionary Creatures that attacked this turn. Effect - Escape: Your burrowed and illusionary Creatures that are discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Creatures from play are instead returned to your hand. |
Flavor: | "I think I thought I saw things you can't even imagine." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Dark Cragnoc : Core Creature |
Cost: | 12 |
Effect: | Effect - Solid: Dark Cragnoc cannot be discarded from play by opposing Spells that specifically discard Creatures from play. Your cards cannot add energy to Dark Cragnoc. Power - Cremate: Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Discard energy from Dark Cragnoc equal to the amount of energy on the chosen Creature. Discard the chosen Creature from play. Kybar's Teeth Magi can play Dark Cragnoc. |
Flavor: | "Give your friends a hug. Give your enemies a big, hard, squeeze." -Warrada, The Shadow |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Darkbreed's Minion : Core Creature |
Trait: | Alternate Ash Hyren |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Smolder: Whenever a player draws a card, discard one energy from each of that player's Creatures in play. Darkbreed's Minion loses no energy from this Effect. Cald Magi can play Darkbreed's Minion. |
Flavor: | I am the mouth of the darkbreed hyren. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Darkness : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Until the end of the turn, all of your Bograth Creatures in play gain "Power - Darkness: Discard this Creature from play. Choose an opposing Creature in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play. Use this Power only before your Attack Step." |
Flavor: | "I don't mind the darkness too much. Look at the alternative; we could see where we're going." -Zet |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Dasia : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Salvage: Whenever your Magi loses energy from an opposing card, add an equal amount of energy to Dasia. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Dasia increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. Effect - Weave: Whenever Dasia is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Dasia and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Dasias are perhaps the most popular pets in the Weave. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Dasia : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Salvage: Whenever your Magi loses energy from an opposing card, add an equal amount of energy to Dasia. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Dasia increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the the end of the turn. Effect - Weave: Whenever Dasia attacks or is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Dasia and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Dasias are perhaps the most popular pets in the Weave. |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Deadwood Staff : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Calling: Once per turn, as you are playing a Bograth Creature, you may discard a Bograth card from your hand to reduce the Creature's energy cost by the number of your Bograth Creatures in play, to a minimum of zero. |
Flavor: | "I hit them with this stick, and they work harder. It's magic!" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Ruthless Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Defender of the Sky - Alternate Ora : Arderial Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Ora |
Cost: | 10 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Xyx, Xyx Elder, Xyz Minor |
Effect: | Effect - Strengthen: Whenever you play a Xyx, add two additional energy to it. |
Flavor: | She was among the first to fight against the shadow geysers, and the experience taught her well. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Dewstone : Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Sip: Add one energy to your Magi for each opposing Creature defeated in attacks this turn. Effect - Gulp: If you have no Creatures in play and no energy on your Magi, before your Magi is defeated you may discard Dewstone from play to add five energy to your Magi. |
Flavor: | "Do the dewstone." -Kybarite maxim |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Dewstone : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Sip: Add one energy to your Magi for each opposing Creature defeated in attacks this turn. Effect - Gulp: If you have no Creatures in play and no energy on your Magi, before your Magi is defeated you may discard Dewstone from play to add five energy to your Magi. |
Flavor: | "Do the dewstone." -Kybarite maxim |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Elder Yark : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Regal Presence: Whenever an opposing Creature attacks. It removes energy from the defending Creature equal to either its starting energy or current energy, whichever is less. Effect - Invulnerability: Elder Yark loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "It's tough to put up a good fight when you have an uncontrollable urge to kneel in respect." -Targ'n, Elder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Elder Yark : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Regal Presence: Whenever an opposing Creature attacks. It removes energy from the defending Creature equal to either its starting energy or current energy, whichever is less. Effect - Invulnerability: Elder Yark loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "It's tough to put up a good fight when you have an uncontrollable urge to kneel in respect." -Targ'n, Elder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Emlob : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Obsessive Detailer |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Mist Hyren, Quido Swarm, Tar Hyren |
Effect: | Effect - Imaginary Friends: You are considered to have three additional Bograth Creatures in play for all of your Spells, Powers, and Effects. |
Flavor: | Don't worry about me. I'll manage. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Eryss : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | The Insane |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Fog Hyren, Gremble N'kala, Poison Baloo Root |
Effect: | Effect - Discordia: Once per turn, when an opposing Magi plays a non-Universal Creature not of their Magi's region, you may choose and discard one of that Magi's Creatures from play. |
Flavor: | "Korg, Korg, he's our man, if he can do it, Great!" |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Eryss : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | The Insane |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Fog Hyren, Gremble N'kala, Poison Baloo Root |
Effect: | Effect - Discordia: Once per turn, when an opposing Magi plays a non-Universal Creature not of their Magi's region, you may choose and discard one of that Magi's Creatures from play. |
Flavor: | "Korg, Korg, he's our man, if he can do it, Great!" |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Firefly Amulet : Cald Relic |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Swarm: Choose any one Creature in play. Discard a Cald card from your hand to remove two energy from the chosen Creature. If the discarded card was a Spell, that Creature cannot attack on its players next turn. |
Flavor: | "Cald, Cald is deranged, For they dance in the fire and play. I'll stay here in Naroom, it's the very best home, 'Cuz the bugs don't keep burning all day!" -Poad, Innkeeper |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Firestorm Orish : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Firestorm: Choose one of your Cald or Arderial Creatures in play. Discard two energy from the chosen Creature to add three energy to any one of your other Creatures in play. Spells, Powers, and Effects cannot prevent or modify this energy loss or gain. |
Flavor: | "You are a diamond in the rough. You just need a little more heat and pressure." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Firestorm Orish : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Firestorm: Choose one of your Cald or Arderial Creatures in play. Discard two energy from the chosen Creature to add three energy to any one of your other Creatures in play. Spells, Powers, and Effects cannot prevent or modify this energy loss or |
Flavor: | "You are a diamond in the rough. You just need a little more heat and pressure." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Flame Rudwot : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Healing Flame: 2 - Choose any one other Cald or Naroom Creature in play. Add three energy to the chosen Creature. Power - Burning Branches: 2 - Choose any one non-Cald, non-Naroom Creature in play. Discard three energy from the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | "What are you doing? Naroom trees weak, Cald fire strong!" -Sinder, to Barak |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Flame Rudwot : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Healing Flame: 2 - Choose any one other Cald or Naroom Creature in play. Add three energy to the chosen Creature. Power - Burning Branches: 2 - Choose any one non-Cald, non-Naroom Creature in play. Discard three energy from the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | "No no no, girl! Cald fire bad, Naroom growth good! Never forget that!" -Yaki, to Tryn |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Flame Trulb : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Familiarity: When you play Flame Trulb, add one energy to it for each Bograth or Cald Creature in play, whichever is less. Power - Fireball: 1 - Choose any one Creature in play. Discard one energy from the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | "Fire, like wood, is a tool, Tryn, it can help, it can hurt. Let me teach you how to use fire, and more importantly when." -Barak, Warlord |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Flame Trulb : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Familiarity: When you play Flame Trulb, add one energy to it for each Bograth or Cald Creature in play, whichever is less. Power - Fireball: 1 - Choose any one Creature in play. Discard one energy from the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | "Fire, like wood, is a tool, Tryn, it can help, it can hurt. Let me teach you how to use fire, and more importantly when." -Barak, Warlord |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Flourish : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Until the end of your next turn, all Creatures with starting energy greater than two cost two less energy to play, to a minimum of two. |
Flavor: | "On the other hand, what if we held a war and everybody came?" -Olabra, Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Flying Hinko : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Empower: Whenever an Arderial or Naroom Spell or Power adds energy to one or more Creatures in play, add one energy to your Magi. STARTING: Poad |
Flavor: | "I saw this little guy rescue a family of tree hinkos from the middle of a lava flow, and I just had to keep him." -Poad, Innkeeper |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Flying Hinko : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Empower: Whenever an Arderial or Naroom Spell or Power adds energy to one or more Creatures in play, add one energy to your Magi. STARTING: Poad |
Flavor: | "I saw this little guy rescue a family of tree hinkos from the middle of a lava flow, and I just had to keep him." -Poad, Innkeeper |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Focus : Universal Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | During your next turn, this Magi's energize rate is tripled. You cannot play any cards until the end of your next turn. |
Flavor: | "Let me gather my wits, then we shall strike!" "Excellent! I'll just sit here and wait, then." -Korg and Olabra |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Fog Hyren : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power -Obscure Knowledge: 2 - Draw two cards, then discard a card if your Magi is not Bograth. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Fog Hyren, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to two, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "I hate this! The only thing worse than the fog of war is a war of fog." -Ookami, Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Fog Hyren : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power -Obscure Knowledge: 2 - Draw two cards, then discard a card if your Magi is not Bograth. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Fog Hyren, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to two, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "I hate this! The only thing worse than the fog of war is a war of fog." -Ookami, Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Fossik, Ringsmith : Underneath Magi |
Trait: | Underkeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Crystal Jile, Parmalag, Bottomless Pit |
Effect: | Power - Strengthen: Choose any one of your Creatures in play. Discard a card from your hand to add two energy to the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | No soon has Naroom fallen, than Core creatures begin invading us from above. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Frenzy : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | If you have at least three Bograth Creatures in play, add two energy to each Creature in play. |
Flavor: | "Get out of the way- looks like Gorran's cooking up a new batch of jile-treats." -Keggerop, Amazing Creature Dreamer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Froxfire : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Choose any one stalked Creature in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play. |
Flavor: | Flickering, the foxfire light, Silhouettes the beast at night. What a nice, inviting sight. It's much more fun to pounce! -The Scarlet Song |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Galiant : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Riding Tail: 3 - Your largest Creature in play gains energy equal to the current energy on the smallest opposing Creature in play. Effect - Invulnerability: Galiant loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | It always has the best seat in the house. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Galiant : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Riding Tail: 3 - Your largest Creature in play gains energy equal to the current energy on the smallest opposing Creature in play. Effect - Invulnerability: Galiant loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | It always has the best seat in the house. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gate to Ombor : Underneath Relic |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Talisman: If you have an Amulet of Ombor in play, you can play Gate to Ombor from your hand or from your deck, ignoring all costs. Add one to all die rolls you make for Amulet of Ombor (die rolls of 6 remain 6). Power - Guard: 2 - Search your deck for one of your Magi's starting Creatures. Play that Creature, reducing its cost by five energy, to a minimum of zero. That Creature can never attack. Effect: Gate to Ombor cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Gate to Ombor from play if your Magi is not an Underneath Magi. |
Flavor: | "There's no place like home." -Gruk, Underwarden |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ghazran : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 10 |
Effect: | Effect - Realitywarp: You may discard three of your Paradwyn Creatures with the Effect 'Dreamwarp' from play instead of paying Ghazran's energy cost. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Ghazran, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "It eats dream creatures. I guess that makes it a somnivore." -Ookami, Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Gift of the Weave : Weave Relic |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Great Weave: Once per turn, whenever one of your Core or Weave Creatures is attacked, you may rearrange the energy on your Core and Weave Creatures in any way you wish. Effect: Gift of the Weave cannot be discarded from play by cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Gift of the Weave from play if your Magi is not a Weave Magi or a Weave Shadow Magi. Weave Shadow Magi can play Gift of the Weave. |
Flavor: | "Oh yeah? You gonna make us?" -Ashio, shortly before the Shadow Magi fled the Weave |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Glablit : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Dream Blur: All of your Bograth Creatures in play are also Core. All of your Core Creatures in play are also Bograth. Effect - Shifty: Glablit loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "I'm #2. I try harder." -Golthub, Royal Toady |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Golthub : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Royal Toady |
Cost: | 17 |
Energize: | 4 |
Starting: | Glablit, Gremble, Moob |
Effect: | Power - Mire: Choose any one region. Defeat Golthub. Discard all non-Magi cards of the chosen region from play. Golthub can only play Bograth, Core, and Universal cards. |
Flavor: | It looks good to be the king. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Golthub : Core Magi |
Trait: | Royal Toady |
Cost: | 17 |
Energize: | 4 |
Starting: | Glablit, Gremble, Moob |
Effect: | Power - Mire: Choose any one region. Defeat Golthub. Discard all non-Magi cards of the chosen region from play. Golthub can only play Bograth, Core, and Universal cards. |
Flavor: | It looks good to be the king. |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Good Ol' Ashgar : Cald Magi |
Trait: | Flamekeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Arbolit, Quor, Flame Geyser |
Effect: | Effect - Combat Reflexes: Once per turn, when an opposing Creature attacks Ashgar directly, before energy is removed, you may immediately play a Cald Spell from your hand. Reduce this Spell's cost by two, to a minimum of zero. |
Flavor: | "He puts the terror back in terrific." -Gar, Healer |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Gorran : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | High Exalted Trainer |
Cost: | 19 |
Energize: | 4 |
Starting: | Jile, Forest Jile, Magma Jile |
Effect: | Effect - Jile-treats: At the end of your turn, add one energy to each of your Jiles in play. Effect - Affinity: Ignore regional penalties and restrictions when playing Jiles from your hand. |
Flavor: | They'll do anything for my jile-treats! |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Grahnna : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Revered Important Person |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 4 |
Starting: | Mirago, Treepsh, Trulb |
Effect: | Effect - Share: Whenever you play a Bograth Creature, choose any one Bograth Creature in play. Add one energy to the chosen Creature. Effect - Transform: When you reveal Grahnna, if your previous Magi was Wiep, place any one Bograth card from your discard pile into your hand. |
Flavor: | "Did you bring enough for everybody?" -Phlouk, Grand Supreme Ringsmith |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Granas : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: On all opponent's turns, Granas is burrowed; It cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Pummel: Whenever Granas attacks a Creature, Granas removes an additional energy from the defending Creature. |
Flavor: | "They're like magma. They move slowly underground, then way too fast on the surface." -Gyrg |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Granas : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: On all opponent's turns, Granas is burrowed; It cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Pummel: Whenever Granas attacks a Creature, Granas removes an additional energy from the defending Creature. |
Flavor: | "They're like magma. They move slowly underground, then way too fast on the surface." -Gyrg |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Grass Etiki : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Weaver: All of your Paradwyn Creatures gain "Effect - Weave: Whenever this Creature attacks or is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between this Creature and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play." Effect - Dreamwarper: All of your Weave Creatures in play and being played gain "Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play this Creature increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn." |
Flavor: | "Our strengths could work well together, but Gia is too busy negotiating with the Dark Twins." -M'lady Iyori, emissary to Paradwyn |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Grass Etiki : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Weaver: All of your Paradwyn Creatures gain "Effect - Weave: Whenever this Creature attacks or is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between this Creature and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play." Effect - Dreamwarper: All of your Weave Creatures in play and being played gain "Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play this Creature increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn." |
Flavor: | "Our strengths could work well together, but Gia is too busy negotiating with the Dark Twins." -M'lady Iyori, emissary to Paradwyn |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Great Pool of Wisdom : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Stagnant Energy: Roll a die. If the number you roll is less than the number of your Bograth Creatures in play, draw a card. |
Flavor: | "Looks more like a puddle of stinky water to me." -Bazha, Lifekeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Great Throne Mushrooms : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Enduring Renewal: Whenever one of your Creatures is discarded from play, you may discard one energy from your Magi to draw a card. |
Flavor: | "Great Throne Mushrooms only grow in this one place, and only in this shape. It almost seems they like being sat on..." -Ninibom, Universal Greeter |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Greater Gargagnor : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 10 |
Effect: | Effect - Expect it: If Great Gargagnor is discarded from your hand or deck by an opposing card, play it instead, ignoring all costs. Effect - Solid: Greater Gargagnor cannot be specifically discarded from play by opposing Spells. Power - Unearth: Discard a card from your hand. Search your discard pile for any one Kybar's Teeth card and place it into your hand. Effect - Invulnerability: Greater Gargagnor loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "What do you mean they get bigg... oh, my!" -Ulk, Underwarden |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Green Stuff : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 0 |
Energize: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Ooze: When you play Green Stuff, add one energy to it. |
Flavor: | "Yum! Just like mom used to make." -Gorran, High Exalted Trainer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gremble : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Parastic Growth: Discard Gremble from play. Discard your hand and draw three cards. |
Flavor: | "Why? I'll tell you why. We're attacking to cause dis... ray. And to break things!" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Warlike Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gremble : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Parastic Growth: Discard Gremble from play. Discard your hand and draw three cards. |
Flavor: | "Why? I'll tell you why. We're attacking to cause dis... ray. And to break things!" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Warlike Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gwaeg : Core Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Vile Herald: Bograth Magi and Core Magi can play both Core Creatures and Bograth Creatures, ignoring regional penalties and restrictions. Effect - Escape: If Gwaeg is defeated while defending, place it into your hand instead of your discard pi |
Flavor: | "Korg, you have much more in common with these people then you think." -Zet |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gwaeg : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Vile Herald: Bograth Magi and Core Magi can play both Core Creatures and Bograth Creatures, ignoring regional penalties and restrictions. Effect - Escape: If Gwaeg is defeated while defending, place it into your hand instead of your discard pile. Only Bograth Magi or Core Magi can play Gwaeg. |
Flavor: | "Korg, you have much more in common with these people then you think." -Zet |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Gyrg : Underneath Magi |
Cost: | 10 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Cave Rudwot, Grakanden, Resonate |
Effect: | Effect - Digging Mastery: Each of your Underneath Creatures in play loses no more than two energy each time it is attacked. |
Flavor: | "What we need is a bigger shovel." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Excavating Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Hand of the Sky : Arderial Relic |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Steal: Choose any one other player. Look at the chosen player's hand. You may discard, Hand of the Sky from play to play a Spell from that player's hand, paying all costs, but ignoring regional penalties and restrictions. Shuffle the chosen Spell into its owner's deck. STARTING: Nimbulo |
Flavor: | "Mine." -Bria, Vault Curator |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Hardshell Weebo : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Vitalize: Choose any one other Creature in play. Add one energy to the chosen Creature. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Hardshell Weebo increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Yeah! Weebos on the halfshell." -Poad, Innkeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Heal : Universal Spell |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Choose up to five Creatures in play. Add a total of five energy, divided any way you choose, to the chosen Creatures. |
Flavor: | "A little warmth, a little regrowth, and you'll feel better, Barak. I promise," said Tryn with a smile and a wink. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Heart of Paradise : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Korg's War: Increase the energize rate of your Magi by one. At the start of your turn, if you have at least fifty energy in play, and your Magi is Bograth, and an opposing Magi is Paradwyn, or vice versa, defeat all opposing Magi stacks. Effect - Without End: Whenever your Magi is defeated, an opponent of your choice gains control of Heart of Paradise. |
Flavor: | "I'll find it, and I'll break it." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Destructive, Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Heart of Paradise : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Korg's War: Increase the energize rate of your Magi by one. At the start of your turn, if you have at least fifty energy in play, and your Magi is Bograth, and an opposing Magi is Paradwyn, or vice versa, defeat all opposing Magi stacks. Effect - Without End: Whenever your Magi is defeated, an opponent of your choice gains control of Heart of Paradise. |
Flavor: | "I'll find it, and I'll break it." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Destructive, Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Heart of the Sky : Arderial Relic |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Steal: Choose any one other player. Look through the chosen player's deck. You may discard Heart of the Sky from play to choose any one Spell from that player's deck and play it, paying all costs, but ignoring regional penalties and restrictions. Shuffle that player's deck and discard the chosen Spell afterward. STARTING: Lasada |
Flavor: | "With each breeze that blows through our fair cities, the heart beats again. So long as the winds soar, Arderial will survive." -Jaela, Regis |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Hurricane Orish : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Spell Drain: Once per turn, when an opponent plays a Relic or Spell, add three energy to your Magi. |
Flavor: | "I was doing fine, having fun. Then the eye of the storm winked at me." -Kazm, Scout |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Hurricane Orish : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Spell Drain: Once per turn, when an opponent plays a Relic or Spell, add three energy to your Magi. |
Flavor: | "I was doing fine, having fun. Then the eye of the storm winked at me." -Kazm, Scout |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Iain : Paradwyn Magi |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | T'kanzam, Ambush |
Effect: | Power - Beginning's End: 4 - Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Discard energy from the chosen Creature equal to that Creature's starting energy. |
Flavor: | If I take you away from you, what's left? |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Ice Hyren : Nar Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Shared Strength: If your Magi's Energize rate is greater than any opposing Magi's, Ice Hyren gains ENERGIZE: 1. Effect - Ravage: When Ice Hyren attacks and defeats an opposing Creature, choose any one opposing Relic in play. Discard the chosen Relic from play. |
Flavor: | "Ice, under pressure. Good stuff." -Eryss, The Insane |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Inhibitor Band : Universal Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Reprise: When you play Inhibitor Band, return all other Universal Relics to their owners' hands. Effect - Universal Lock: Players cannot play Universal Relics from their hands. |
Flavor: | "Secret powers need secrets, and they're not secrets if everyone know about them." -Gia, Seer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Inyx : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Power - Vitalize: 1 - If there is at least one opposing Creature in play, add one energy to each Creature in play. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Inyx increase or decrease its starting energy by up to the number of other Paradwyn Creatures that you have in play, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Happiness can be rather indsicriminate." -Bazha, Lifekeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Jile : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Vitalize: All of your Jiles and Bograth Creatures in play gain ENERGIZE: 1 Effect - Shifty: Jile loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | Jiles led Bograth's invasion of Paradwyn, scouting the opposition for their masters. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Jungle Hyren : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Dreamwarp: Once per turn, as any player plays a Creature, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to two until the end of the turn, to a minimum starting energy of one. This Effect cannot raise a Creature's starting energy above the amount of energy on that player's Magi. |
Flavor: | Dream a belitted dream. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Jungle Jile : Paradwyn Creature |
Trait: | Jungle Stalker |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Mass Stalk: 2 - Choose any one player. Until the beginning of your next turn, all of that player's Creatures are stalked; whenever a stalked Creatures is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | Searching eyes and twitching nose, As anticipation grows. The jungle jile surely knows, It's much more fun to pounce. -The Scarlet Song |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | K'ly : Paradwyn Creature |
Trait: | Jungle Stalker |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Stalk: Whenever an opposing Magi plays a Creature, you may discard one energy from K'ly. If you do, until the end of your next turn, that Creature and all other Creatures played this turn are stalked; wheenver a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. Effect - Hunt: Whenever K'ly attacks a stalked Creature, add one energy to K'ly before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | They say it can hear you blink. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | K'teeb : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Choose any one of your other Creatures in play. Until the chosen Creatures leaves play, all Powers printed on the chosen Creature are also considered to be printed on K'teeb. K'teeb cannot copy a Power that it already has. All of K'teeb's Powers that reference the card that they are printed on now reference K'teeb. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'Teeb increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Wow, I wish you were a giant carillion... Oh, wait, you can do it. WOO-HOO!" -Yaki, Tracker |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | K'teeb : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Choose any one of your other Creatures in play. Until the chosen Creatures leaves play, all Powers printed on the chosen Creature are also considered to be printed on K'teeb. K'teeb cannot copy a Power that it already has. All of K'teeb's Powers that reference the card that they are printed on now reference K'teeb. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'Teeb increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Wow, I wish you were a giant carillion... Oh, wait, you can do it. WOO-HOO!" -Yaki, Tracker |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | K'teeb Cub : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Empower: 3 - Choose any one of your Naroom or Paradwyn Creatures in play. The first time the chosen Creature uses a Power this turn, the cost for that Power is zero. If there is an X in the cost, X equals zero. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'teeb Cub, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Aww, look, a Keeb C'tub. I mean.." -Gogor, Celebrated Hero of the Underneath |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | K'teeb Cub : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Empower: 3 - Choose any one of your Naroom or Paradwyn Creatures in play. The first time the chosen Creature uses a Power this turn, the cost for that Power is zero. If there is an X in the cost, X equals zero. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'teeb Cub, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Aww, look, a Keeb C'tub. I mean.." -Gogor, Celebrated Hero of the Underneath |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | K'teeb Thumper : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Dreamthump: Choose any one Creature or Magi in play that used a Power on its player's last turn. Discard three energy from the chosen Creature or Magi. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'teeb Thumper, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | The K'teeb thumped the Jile, but when it lifted its claw, there was nothing there. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | K'teeb Thumper : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Dreamthump: Choose any one Creature or Magi in play that used a Power on its player's last turn. Discard three energy from the chosen Creature or Magi. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play K'teeb Thumper, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | The K'teeb thumped the Jile, but when it lifted its claw, there was nothing there. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Karkik : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Flameburst: 2 - Choose any one player with more Creatures in play than you. Discard the chosen player's smallest Creature from play. In the case of a tie, you choose the Creature to be discarded. |
Flavor: | Crackle |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Karkik : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Flameburst: 2 - Choose any one player with more Creatures in play than you. Discard the chosen player's smallest Creature from play. In the case of a tie, you choose the Creature to be discarded. |
Flavor: | Crackle |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Keggerop : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Amazing Creature Dreamer |
Cost: | 14 |
Energize: | 4 |
Starting: | Ainjer, Glablit, Ooze Arboll |
Effect: | Effect - Momentum: Once per turn, when you play a Bograth Creature you may add energy to it equal to the number of your other Bograth Creatures in play. Discard one of your Bograth Creatures from play. |
Flavor: | "It can always get worse." -attributed to Grath |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Khisp : Paradwyn Creature |
Trait: | Jungle Stalker |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Hunt: Whenever Khisp attacks a stalked Creature, add two energy to Khisp before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "Khisps. Very dangerous. You go first." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Super Brave Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Kier : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: As long as you have another Kybar's Teeth and another Underneath Creature in play, Kier is burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Crush: Whenever Kier attacks a Creature, Kier removes an additional energy from the defending Creature. |
Flavor: | "Believe me, there's a lot of space between the mountaintops and the tunnels. Just about anything could be hiding in there." -Grej |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Kier : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: As long as you have another Kybar's Teeth and another Underneath Creature in play, Kier is burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Crush: Whenever Kier attacks a Creature, Kier removes an additional energy from the defending Creature. |
Flavor: | "Believe me, there's a lot of space between the mountaintops and the tunnels. Just about anything could be hiding in there." -Grej |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Kioko : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Tracker |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Taglat, Bagala Fangs, Sneak Attack |
Effect: | Effect - Motivate: Once per turn, when one of your Creatures is attacked, you may have it removed energy equal to its starting energy isntead of its current energy. Effect - Demotivate: Once per turn, when one of your Creatures is attacked, you may have the attacking Creature remove energy equal to its starting energy instead of its current energy. |
Flavor: | Fierce fighting power. No strings attached. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Korg's Poetry : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Performance Art: At the start of each of your turns, all non-Bograth Creatures in play loses one energy. Effect - Artistic Expression: Korg's energize rate is increased by one. Effect - One-Syllable Words: Korg can play Korg's Poetry. |
Flavor: | "Actually, I quite liked it." -Tony Jones |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Korok : Kybar's Teeth Magi |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Akkar, Chogus, Ascend |
Effect: | Effect - Empower: Powers on your Kybar's Teeth cards cost one less energy to use, to a minimum of one. |
Flavor: | "Time may be on your sied, but gravity is on ours." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Kybar's Fang : Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Power - Ancient Protector: 2 - If an opponent has more Creatures in play than you and Kybar's Fang is a Relic, Kybar's Fang becomes a Creatures instead of a Relic until the end of the turn. Add fourteen energy to Kybar's Fang whenever it becomes a Creature. Discard all energy from Kybar's Fang whenever it becomes a Relic. Effect: Kybar's Fang cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Kybar's Fang from play if your Magi is not a Kybar's Teeth Magi. |
Flavor: | "Dang nabbit! There goes the roof again." -Motash, Elder |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Kyg'n : Kybar's Teeth Magi |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 3 |
Starting: | Rockslide Hyren. Kybar's Scroll, Crushing Stones |
Effect: | Effect - True Grit: Kyg'n is not defeated, even if he has no energy or Creatures in play, until he is directly attacked. Effect: Increase Kyg'n's energize rate by the number of Creatures an opposing Magi of your choice has in play. |
Flavor: | "If you do, it will be the worst mistake you've ever made." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Lady of the Sky : Arderial Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Jaela |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Cyclone Xyx, Shooting Star |
Effect: | Effect - Legacy: When Lady of the Sky is defeated, permanently increase the Energize rate of all of your other Arderial Magi by one for the rest of the game. |
Flavor: | "With the right leader, even a vallup can take down a colossus. But I'd still bet on the colossus." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Lahalou : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Grow: Add one energy to Lahalou. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Lahalou increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "For a little thing, it sure is big." -Ookami, Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Liriel : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Bagala Trainer |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Bagala Cub, Liriel's Cape, Foxfire |
Effect: | Power - Demand: 1 - Search your deck for any one Bagala and place it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. Effect - Command: Whenever one of your Bagalas attacks, add one energy to it before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "What's new, pussycat?" |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Liriel's Cape : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Dazzle: All of your Creatures in play with the Effect 'Dreamwarp' have an additional three starting energy while they are in play. Power - Mass Heal: 2 - If there is at least one opposing Creature in play, restore all Creatures in play with less than their starting energy to their starting energy. Discard Liriel's Cape from play. |
Flavor: | Snap! |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Loaded Dice : Universal Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Cheating: Whenever any other card requires you to roll a die, you may discard one energy from your Magi to roll two dice and choose which number to use. |
Flavor: | "Chance favors the prepared mind." -Zet |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | M'lady Iyori : Weave Magi |
Trait: | Weave Emissary |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Dasia, Weed Hyren, Crushing Growth |
Effect: | Power - Natural Selection: 3 - Use this Power only before the Attack Step. Discard one Creature from your hand. Choose any one player. The chosen player must discard one of their Creatures from play. |
Flavor: | "I wish I could promise help, but Gia and I aren't seeing eye to eye these days." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | M'lady Iyori : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Weave Emissary |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Dasia, Weed Hyren, Crushing Growth |
Effect: | Power - Natural Selection: 3 - Use this Power only before the Attack Step. Discard one Creature from your hand. Choose any one player. The chosen player must discard one of their Creatures from play. |
Flavor: | "I wish I could promise help, but Gia and I aren't seeing eye to eye these days." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Magma Parmalag : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Immolation: Discard Magma Parmalag from play. Discard one energy from each of your Creatures in play. Until the end of your turn, your Creatures in play loses no energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "If you see one of these rolling towards you, run. I'd really hate to see you get hurt." -Barak, to Tryn |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Magma Parmalag : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Immolation: Discard Magma Parmalag from play. Discard one energy from each of your Creatures in play. Until the end of your turn, your Creatures in play loses no energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "If you see one of these rolling towards you, run. I'd really hate to see you get hurt." -Barak, to Tryn |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Magor : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Resistance: Core Spells and Powers do not affect Magor. Effect - Support: Once per turn, as an opposing player is playing a Core Creature, you may increase or decrease its starting energy by up to five until the end of the turn, to a minimum starting energy of one. This Effect cannot raise a Creature's starting energy above the amount of energy on that player's Magi. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Magor increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Help! It's a Core-nivorous plant." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Witty Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Makoor : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Onslaught: Discard all of your Bograth Creature from play. For each Creature discarded, choose an opposing Creature in play. Discard three energy from each chosen Creature. You can choose the same Creature more than once with this Power. Effect - Shifty: Makoor loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | They exist only to bring down the noble and besmirch the beautiful. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Mirago : d'Resh Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Extra Focus: Whenever you play a Creature from your hand, you may discard a Bograth or d'Resh card from your hand to add two additional energy to that Creature. Effect - Shifty: Mirago loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "With this guy, knowledge is power." -Fossik, Ringsmith |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Mirago : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Extra Focus: Whenever you play a Creature from your hand, you may discard a Bograth or d'Resh card from your hand to add two additional energy to that Creature. Effect - Shifty: Mirago loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "With this guy, knowledge is power." -Fossik, Ringsmith |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Mist Hyren : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 15 |
Effect: | Effect - Calling: Mist Hyren's cost is reduced by one for each of your Creatures in play. Effect: Mist Hyren can only be played during your Play Creatures Step. |
Flavor: | It's attracted to power. And, apparently, its tastes are not all that discriminating. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Moob : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Retrieve: Discard Moob from play. Add one energy to your Magi for each of your Bograth Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Wild things! You mooob me!" -Eryss, The Insane |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Moob Ring : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | If an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect causes you to discard one or more cards from your hand, you may discard Moob Ring from your hand or from play instead. If you do, until your current Magi is defeated, no opposing cards can cause you to discard cards from your hand. Effect - Martyr: Whenever an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect discards energy from one or more of your Creatures in play, you may discard any one of your Bograth Creatures in play. If you do, the Spell, Power, or Effect does nothing. |
Flavor: | "It's supposed to change color, but it never does." -Wiep, the Sniveler |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Moss Pendant : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Decay: 2 - Add one energy to each of your Bograth Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "You can't clean it! That'll ruin the magic." -Brog, Great Fist of Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Moss Quido : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Dark Secrets: Discard Moss Quido from play. Draw one card for each of your Bograth or Core Creatures in play, whichever is greater. Use this Power only before your Attack Step. |
Flavor: | "Before I go, Korg, let me give you a few pointers..." "Ohh, goody, I like presents!" -Zet and Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Muck Vinoc : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Grapple: 3 - Choose any one Creature in play with seven or more energy. Discard Muck Vinoc and the chosen Creature from play. Effect - Shifty: Bolobog loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "The bigger they are, the deeper they sink." -Blygt, Magnificent Remembering Guy |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Muggum : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Burrow: Discard Muggum from play. Choose any two Bograth and/or Underneath Creatures in play. Until the end of your next turn, both chosen Creatures are burrowed; they cannot attack and lose no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. |
Flavor: | "Cover me." -Strag, Underwatcher |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Muggum : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Burrow: Discard Muggum from play. Choose any two Bograth and/or Underneath Creatures in play. Until the end of your next turn, both chosen Creatures are burrowed; they cannot attack and lose no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposi |
Flavor: | "Cover me." -Strag, Underwatcher |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Mydra : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Watchful: Mydra loses only one energy whenever it is attacked. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Mydra, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "We snuck into their camp last night and called up a flood. But now they have mydra guarding them." -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Mydra : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Watchful: Mydra loses only one energy whenever it is attacked. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Mydra, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "We snuck into their camp last night and called up a flood. But now they have mydra guarding them." -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Mydra Swarm : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one player. If you have at least four Bograth or Paradwyn Creatures in play, the chosen player cannot draw any cards on their next turn. |
Flavor: | The first time the Magi of Paradwyn faced the Bograthians, the Mydras got completely out of hand. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Mydra Swarm : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one player. If you have at least four Bograth or Paradwyn Creatures in play, the chosen player cannot draw any cards on their next turn. |
Flavor: | The first time the Magi of Paradwyn faced the Bograthians, the Mydras got completely out of hand. |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | N'kala : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Support: Add one energy to your Magi. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play N'kala increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "It's so soft and cuddly. And it hardly drools at all." -Eryss, The Insane |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | N'kala : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Support: Add one energy to your Magi. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play N'kala increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "It's so soft and cuddly. And it hardly drools at all." -Eryss, The Insane |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Ninx : Weave Magi |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Blade Hyren, Pagajack, Weave Mat |
Effect: | Power - Stare Down: Choose any one opposing Magi in play with more energy than Ninx. The chosen Magi's energy becomes equal to the energy on Ninx. |
Flavor: | "It's almost seems like she doesn't even HAVE eyelids." -M'lady Iyori, emissary to Paradwyn |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Ninx : Paradwyn Magi |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Blade Hyren, Pagajack, Weave Mat |
Effect: | Power - Stare Down: Choose any one opposing Magi in play with more energy than Ninx. The chosen Magi's energy becomes equal to the energy on Ninx. |
Flavor: | "It's almost seems like she doesn't even HAVE eyelids." -M'lady Iyori, emissary to Paradwyn |
Rarity: | 2 |
Shop |
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Name | Nyrex : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Catch: Whenever one of your Weave or Paradwyn Creatures is specifically discarded from play by an opposing card or defeated while defending, you may place it below Nyrex. Effect - Release: When Nyrex is discarded from play, play any one Creature from below Nyrex ignoring all costs and regional restrictions. Discard all other Creatures below Nyrex. |
Flavor: | Where the Nyrex hides is not nearly so important as what the Nyrex hides. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Nyrex : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Catch: Whenever one of your Weave or Paradwyn Creatures is specifically discarded from play by an opposing card or defeated while defending, you may place it below Nyrex. Effect - Release: When Nyrex is discarded from play, play any one Creature from below Nyrex ignoring all costs and regional restrictions. Discard all other Creatures below Nyrex. |
Flavor: | Where the Nyrex hides is not nearly so important as what the Nyrex hides. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Obgren : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Mistkeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Swamp Hyren, Bog Stone, Staff of Keepers |
Effect: | Effect - Delusions: Whenever you use a Spell or Power that specifies Bograth or Core, you may have it specify any other region instead. |
Flavor: | Everyone has their weak point. Except us. We are great and mighty. Just ask Korg. |
Rarity: | 1 |
Shop |
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Name | Olabra : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Jile, Crown of Grath, Moss Pendant |
Effect: | Effect - Resililence: Your Creatures cannot be reduced below one energy by opposing Spells and Powers. |
Flavor: | "You can't bury the mud." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ominous Chill : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one of your Creatures in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play. Until the end of your next turn, all of your Creatures in play gain "Effect - Chill: Whenever this Creature attacks, it removes two additional energy from the defending Creature." |
Flavor: | "It's cold in here." "Yeah, but it's a damp cold." -Korg and Wiep |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Ominous Chill : Nar Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one of your Creatures in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play. Until the end of your next turn, all of your Creatures in play gain "Effect - Chill: Whenever this Creature attacks, it removes two additional energy from the defending Creat |
Flavor: | "Yeah, but it's a damp cold." -Korg and Wiep |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Ookami : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Jungle Drummer |
Cost: | 14 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Lahalou, Hardshell Weebo, Ookami's Drums |
Effect: | Effect - Heartbeat: All Powers that add energy to your Creatures add one additional energy. |
Flavor: | Were it not for the voice of the drums, rolling like a thunderclap and spreading the alarm, Paradwyn might have fallen to Korg's first assault. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Ookami's Drums : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Badum: Choose any one Creature in play with less than its starting energy. Add one energy to the chosen Creature. Power - Badumbum: Choose any one Creature in play with less than its starting energy. Discard one energy from the chosen Creature. |
Flavor: | When Ookami starts to play, every heart starts beating in time. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Ooze Arboll : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Amplify: Discard Ooze Arboll from play. Add one energy to each of your Bograth Creatures in play. Effect - Shifty: Ooze Arboll loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "Hey, now you've hurt its feelings. Give it a hug so it'll know you still care." -Olabra, The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Phlouk : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Grand Supreme Ringsmith |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Gremble, Jile, Muck Vinoc |
Effect: | Power - Ring Testing: Play a Bograth Creature from your hand, ignoring all costs. That Creature cannot attack this turn. At the end of your turn, discard energy from Phlouk equal to the Creature's starting energy. If you don't have enough energy on Phlouk, discard the Creature from play. |
Flavor: | "Not only is he supreme, he even makes the rings really round." -Blygt, Magificent Remembering Guy |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Poison Baloo Root : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Wither: 1 - Discard one energy from all opposing Creatures. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Poison Baloo Root increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Yes, its bad for them, but THAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" -Olabra, The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Poison Baloo Root : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Wither: 1 - Discard one energy from all opposing Creatures. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Poison Baloo Root increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Yes, its bad for them, but THAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" -Olabra, The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Pyder : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Leadership: When you play Pyder, move all but one energy from your Magi to Pyder. Whenever you energize, move all but one energy from your Magi to Pyder. Effect - Summoning: Whenever you play a Creature, discard energy from Pyder to play the Creature. All of your Bograth Creatures cost one less to play, to a minimum of one. |
Flavor: | "I'm tired. Why don't you do all the work?" -Korg, to his first pyder |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Quido Swarm : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | X |
Effect: | Effect - Calling: Quido Swarm's starting energy is equal to the number of your other Paradwyn and Bograth Creatures in play. Effect - Swarm: At the beginning of each of your turns, restore Quido Swarm to its starting energy. |
Flavor: | "Them's good eatin'. You just open your mouth and run around." -Grahnna, to Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Quido Swarm : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | X |
Effect: | Effect - Calling: Quido Swarm's starting energy is equal to the number of your other Paradwyn and Bograth Creatures in play. Effect - Swarm: At the beginning of each of your turns, restore Quido Swarm to its starting energy. |
Flavor: | "Them's good eatin'. You just open your mouth and run around." -Grahnna, to Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Radiant Spring : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Until the end of the turn, all Creatures with the Effect 'Dreamwarp' may Dreamwarp for up to an additional five energy. |
Flavor: | "You don't have to be crazy to live here... but you must be crazy to invade us." -Boria, to Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Rala : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Wild Blooming: All of your Paradwyn Creatures in play can use each of their Powers one additional time each turn. At the end of your opponent's next turn, discard from play all of your Creatures that used any of their Powers an additional time during your turn. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Rala increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "The fun never stops." -Kioko, Tracker |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Rala Tail : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Wild Blooming: All of your Paradwyn Creatures in play can use each of their Powers one additional time each turn. At the end of your opponent's next turn, discard from play all of your Creatures that used any of their Powers an additional time during your turn. |
Flavor: | "Remember, it wasn't so lucky for the rala." -Liriel, Bagala Trainer |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Raveled Drush : Core Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Ravel: Add one energy to Raveled Drush. Power - Unravel: Discard all energy from Raveled Drush to discard an equal amount of energy from each opposing Magi. Effect - Weave: Whenever Raveled Drush is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Raveled Drush and any one of your other Core or Weave Creatures in play. Weave Magi can play Raveled Drush. |
Flavor: | When one of these things unwinds, it'll tie you in knots. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Rayje : Universal Magi |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Two different Universal cards |
Effect: | You can play with more than one copy of Rayje in your deck. When you reveal Rayje, he gains all Powers and Effects on all of your defeated Rayjes and any one other of the following Powers or Effects until the end of the game: "Power - Aid: Move one energy from one Creature to another.", "Effect - Lore: During your draw step, draw an additional card.", "Effect - Defense: Whenever one of your Creatures is attacked, add one energy to it before energy it removed.", "Effect - Wily: Once per turn, instead of drawing a card, place any one Spell from your discard pile into your hand.", "Effect - Charge: Whenever one of your Creatures attacks, add one energy to it before energy is removed." |
Flavor: | "Rayje? Rayje? No, he's just a legend." -Gia, Seer |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ritual Spear : Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Change of Heart: Discard Ritual Spear from play. Choose any one of your defeated Kybar's Teeth or Weave Magi. Defeat your current Magi. The chosen Magi is returned to play with your Magi's current energy and does not get any starting cards. You can keep your current Spells, Relics, and Creatures in play. You can only recover any Magi once. |
Flavor: | "This is my fight, and I intend to finish it." -Kyg'n |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ritual Spear : Weave Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Change of Heart: Discard Ritual Spear from play. Choose any one of your defeated Kybar's Teeth or Weave Magi. Defeat your current Magi. The chosen Magi is returned to play with your Magi's current energy and does not get any starting cards. You can keep your current Spells, Relics, and Creatures in play. You can only recover any Magi once. |
Flavor: | "This is my fight, and I intend to finish it." -Kyg'n |
Rarity: | 1 |
Shop |
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Name | River Abaquist : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Possess: Discard River Abaquist from play. If your Magi is Orothe or Paradwyn, choose any one opposing Creature in play with less energy than the number of your Creatures or Relics in play. Gain control of the chosen Creature. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play River Abaquist, increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Never underestimate the power of small creatures in large groups." -O'Qua, Summoner |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | River Abaquist : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Possess: Discard River Abaquist from play. If your Magi is Orothe or Paradwyn, choose any one opposing Creature in play with less energy than the number of your Creatures or Relics in play. Gain control of the chosen Creature. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play River Abaquist increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Never underestimate the power of small creatures in large groups." -O'Qua, Summoner |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Robe of Petals : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Ease: All of your Creatures with the Effect 'Dreamwarp' cost one less energy to play, to a minimum of one. |
Flavor: | "Ooh! Ooh! I want it. Can you get me one?" -Pruitt, to Bria |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Rock Yajo : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Discard Rock Yajo from play. Choose one of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures in play and one of your Weave Creatures in play. Until the end of your next turn, each chosen Creature gains all Powers and Effects printed on the other chosen Creature. Effect - Invulnerability: Rock Yajo loses one less energy in attacks. Effect - Weave: Whenever Rock Yajo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Rock Yajo and any one of your other Kybar's Teeth or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Talk about a tough crowd!" -Kesia, Musician |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Rock Yajo : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Discard Rock Yajo from play. Choose one of your Kybar's Teeth Creatures in play and one of your Weave Creatures in play. Until the end of your next turn, each chosen Creature gains all Powers and Effects printed on the other chosen Creature. Effect - Invulnerability: Rock Yajo loses one less energy in attacks. Effect - Weave: Whenever Rock Yajo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Rock Yajo and any one of your other Kybar's Teeth or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "That's one tough blade of grass." -Kesia, Musician |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Rockslide Hyren : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Power - Crush: Discard Rockslide Hyren from play. Choose three opposing Creatures in play. An opponent of your choice discard two energy from one of the chosen Creatures, four energy from the second chosen Creature and eight energy from the third chosen Creature. Opposing cards do not affect Crush when it is used and cannot alter the amount of energy discarded by Crush. Effect - Invulnerability: Rockslide Hyren loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "Don't make any loud noises." -Kazm, Scout |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Ruid : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Mutate: Whenever you play a Bograth Creature, you may choose to have it be a Core Creature instead. Effect - Invigorate: Your Magi's energize rate is increased by one. |
Flavor: | "I will RUID you!" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Core-rupted Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Sabertooth Jumbor : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Taunt: 1 - Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Until the beginning of your next turn, all Creatures must attack, if able, and all of your Creatures in play gain one energy in attacks after energy is removed. Effect - Weave: Whenever Sabertooth Jumbor is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Sabertooth Jambor and any one of your other Naroom or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Tease it about its lisp, and it'll tease you about that big bruise. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Sabertooth Jumbor : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Taunt: 1 - Use this Power only before your Attack Step. Until the beginning of your next turn, all Creatures must attack, if able, and all of your Creatures in play gain one energy in attacks after energy is removed. Effect - Weave: Whenever Sabertooth Jumbor is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Sabertooth Jambor and any one of your other Naroom or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "Wow, I bet that thing lisps..." -Quade |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Saladarit : Cald Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Guard: 2 - Choose any one Cald or Orothe Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the first time the chosen Creature is attacked, discard the attacking Creature from play before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "They want fire, huh? I'll give them fire!" -Ashgar, Flamekeeper |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Saladarit : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Power - Guard: 2 - Choose any one Cald or Orothe Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the first time the chosen Creature is attacked, discard the attacking Creature from play before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "I call it 'fire water.'" -Valkan |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Salafy : Naroom Magi |
Trait: | Woodskeeper |
Cost: | 10 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Fird, Furok, Tap Roots |
Effect: | Effect - Protégé: Once per turn, when you play a Naroom Creature, you may search your discard pile for a copy of that Creature and place it in your hand. |
Flavor: | What? Why would I want to be Keeper?!? |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sand Strands : d'Resh Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Mirage: Discard Sand Strands from play. Choose any one of your non-illusionary Creatures in play. Add energy to your Magi equal to half of the chosen Creature's energy (rounded up). As long as that Creature remains in play, it is illusionary; illusionary Creatures do not count as being in play when checking to see if your Magi is defeated. Illusionary Creatures cannot attack Magi directly. |
Flavor: | "Believing is seeing." -d'Jarvish |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sand Strands : Weave Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Mirage: Discard Sand Strands from play. Choose any one of your non-illusionary Creatures in play. Add energy to your Magi equal to half of the chosen Creature's energy (rounded up). As long as that Creature remains in play, it is illusionary; illusionary Creatures do not count as being in play when checking to see if your Magi is defeated. Illusionary Creatures cannot attack Magi directly. |
Flavor: | "If you can't sand the heat, get -OW! I said, don't hit me." -Marella |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sandswirl : Arderial Spell |
Cost: | X |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature or Magi in play. For the next X turns, the chosen Creature or Magi cannot use any Powers or Effects and loses one additional energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | The curse of d'Resh. You will never leave the desert... without sand in your shoes! |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Sandswirl : d'Resh Spell |
Cost: | X |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature or Magi in play. For the next X turns, the chosen Creature or Magi cannot use any Powers or Effects and loses one additional energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | The curse of d'Resh. You will never leave the desert... without sand in your shoes! |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Sarazen Outcast : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect -Favored Enemy: When you play Sarazen Outcast, choose any one Creature type. Effect - Bane: Whenever Sarazen Outcast attacks or is attacked by a Creature of the chosen type, add four energy to Sarazen Outcast before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "It has a whole team of issues." -Olabra, The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Scarletsong Hwit : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Call of the Riled: All of your Paradwyn Creatures lose one less energy whenever they are attacked, and remove one additional eneryg whenever they attack. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Scarletsong Hwit increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "When it sings, you hear gold, but you see red." -Bazha, Lifekeeper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Scarletsong's Trill : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Until the end of the turn, whenever one of your Creatures in play attacks a stalked Creature, add two energy to the attacking Creature before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | Most birds get quiet when there's danger nearby. The scarletsong hwit gets louder. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Scout Bungaloo : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Flee: Whenever Scout Bungaloo is attacked before energy is removed, you may choose any one other Creature in play. Move all of Scout Bungaloo's energy to the chosen Creature. Add two additional energy to that Creature. Effect - Weave: Whenever Scout Bungaloo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Scout Bungaloo and any one of your other Naroom or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Insatiably curious, they're usually the first to look, first to find, and first to run away. |
Rarity: | 3 |
Shop |
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Name | Scout Bungaloo : Naroom Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Flee: Whenever Scout Bungaloo is attacked before energy is removed, you may choose any one other Creature in play. Move all of Scout Bungaloo's energy to the chosen Creature. Add two additional energy to that Creature. Effect - Weave: Whenever Scout Bungaloo is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Scout Bungaloo and any one of your other Naroom or Weave Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | Insatiably curious, they're usually the first to look, first to find, and first to run away. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Scyalla : Weave Magi |
Trait: | Weavekeeper |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Two different non-Hyren Creatures of the same type, i.e. two different Xyxes |
Effect: | Power - Pet Project: Once per game, choose any one non-Hyren Creature type. Until the end of the game, all Creatures of the chosen type that you play are Weave Creatures instead of their original region. |
Flavor: | "Gia's taken a real interest in teaching me how to make creatures part of the Weave." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Seaweed Lascinth : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Reflexes: 1 - Whenever Seaweed Lascinth attacks this turn, it removes energy immediately, before Creatures normally remove energy. Effect - Weave: Whenever Seaweed Lascinth is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Seaweed Lascinth and any one of your other Orothe or Weave Creatures in play |
Flavor: | "Look out! Surf's up!" -Valkan, Pyromancer and former bridge-builder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Seaweed Lascinth : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Reflexes: 1 - Whenever Seaweed Lascinth attacks this turn, it removes energy immediately, before Creatures normally remove energy. Effect - Weave: Whenever Seaweed Lascinth is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Seaweed Lascinth and any one of your other Orothe or Weave Creatures in play |
Flavor: | "Look out! Surf's up!" -Valkan, Pyromancer and former bridge-builder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Shaper's Apprentice : Orothe Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Whall |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Greater Gargagnor, Sea Barl, Stand and Take It |
Effect: | Power - Dream Twist: 4 - Choose any one of your Creatures in play. Discard the chosen Creature to play any Kybar's Teeth or Orothe Creature from your discard pile ignoring all costs. Discard this Creature from play at the end of your next Energize Step. |
Flavor: | "Once Koll and Whall got into a dream-twisting contest. You don't want to know what they ended up with." -Jagt |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Shaper's Apprentice : Kybar's Teeth Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Whall |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Greater Gargagnor, Sea Barl, Stand and Take It |
Effect: | Power - Dream Twist: 4 - Choose any one of your Creatures in play. Discard the chosen Creature to play any Kybar's Teeth or Orothe Creature from your discard pile ignoring all costs. Discard this Creature from play at the end of your next Energize Step. |
Flavor: | "Once Koll and Whall got into a dream-twisting contest. You don't want to know what they ended up with." -Jagt |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Shard of the Great Fossil : Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Shield: 2 - Choose one of your Creatures with the Effect "Invulnerability." The chosen Creature loses no energy in attack until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "If it doesn't move, it can't be that dangerous..." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Confident Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sikra : d'Resh Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Illusion: As you play Sikra, reduce its cost by three. Sikra is illusionary; illusionary Creatures do not count as being in play when checking to see if your Magi is defeated. Illusionary Creatures cannot attack Magi directly. Effect - Insubstantial: Sikra loses no energy from opposing Spells and Powers. |
Flavor: | "They float on a thunderquake like foam on the sea." -d'Jarvish |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sikra : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Illusion: As you play Sikra, reduce its cost by three. Sikra is illusionary; illusionary Creatures do not count as being in play when checking to see if your Magi is defeated. Illusionary Creatures cannot attack Magi directly. Effect - Insubstantial: Sikra loses no energy from opposing Spells or Powers. |
Flavor: | "They float on a thunderquake like foam on the sea." -d'Jarvish |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Slarnath : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Power - Demand: 1 - If you have four or more Bograth Creatures in play, draw a card. |
Flavor: | "It bosses a whole mob." -Bea, Grand High Summoner |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Slime Stone : Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Shriveled Dreams: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Creature has a starting energy of one instead of its normal starting energy. Power - Grand Nightmares: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Creature has a starting energy of ten instead of its normal starting energy. |
Flavor: | It changes dreams to delusions, and vice versa. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Slime Stone : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Shriveled Dreams: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Creature has a starting energy of one instead of its normal starting energy. Power - Grand Nightmares: Choose any one Creature in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Creature has a starting energy of ten instead of its normal starting energy. |
Flavor: | It changes dreams to delusions, and vice versa. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Sneak Attack : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Until the beginning of your next turn, whenever a Creature attacks or is attacked, you may choose to have either or both Creatures remove energy equal to their starting energy, instead of their current energy. Energy removed in attacks cannot to be reduced or prevented. |
Flavor: | "You keep saying 'sneak' attack. You mean there's another kind?" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Stealthy, Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Sneak Attack : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Until the beginning of your next turn, whenever a Creature attacks or is attacked, you may choose to have either or both Creatures remove energy equal to their starting energy, instead of their current energy. Energy removed in attacks cannot to be reduced or prevented. |
Flavor: | "You keep saying 'sneak' attack. You mean there's another kind?" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Stealthy, Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Spell Pulse : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose either Spells or Relics. Discard all cards of the chosen type from play. |
Flavor: | "Open your mind too far, and everything falls out." -Eidon, Retired Keeper |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Spirit Drain : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Choose any one player. Discard energy from the chosen player's Magi equal to the number of cards in that player's hand. |
Flavor: | The more you know, the lower you go. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Spirit Drain : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Choose any one player. Discard energy from the chosen player's Magi equal to the number of cards in that player's hand. |
Flavor: | The more you know, the lower you go. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Spray Narth : Arderial Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Congregate: As you play Spray Narth, if you have at least one other Arderial and at least one other Orothe Creature in play, ignore Spray Narth's cost. Power - Healing Storm: Choose any one Creature or Magi and one of your Pharans in play. Move the chosen Pharan's energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. Move Spray Narth's energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. Add three energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. |
Flavor: | Children of the narthsong, they play in the surf before they return of their home in the sky. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Spray Narth : Orothe Creature |
Cost: | 3 |
Effect: | Effect - Congregate: As you play Spray Narth, if you have at least one other Arderial and at least one other Orothe Creature in play, ignore Spray Narth's cost. Power - Healing Storm: Choose any one Creature or Magi and one of your Pharans in play. Move the chosen Pharan's energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. Move Spray Narth's energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. Add three energy to the chosen Creature or Magi. |
Flavor: | Children of the narthsong, they play in the surf before they return of their home in the sky. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Staff of Vines : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Imbue: All of your Creatures in play gain "Power - Strengthen: 1 - Choose any one Creature in play. Add one energy to the chosen Creature." |
Flavor: | The set of Vine relics was split up untold years ago, and neither Naroom nor Paradwyn has ever wanted to part with their relic since. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Stalk : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Until the end of your next turn, the chosen Creature is stalked; whenever a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | Balancing on branches tall, Looking down upon them all. Choose a target, then you fall. It's much more fun to pounce. -The Scarlet Song |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Stalker's Boots : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Stalk: 1 - Until the end of your next turn, whenever one of your Creatures is attacking, the defending Creature is stalked; whenever a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | Stalker's boots upon my feet, Dance me to the jungle beat. Soon I'll leap, my hunt complete. It's much more fun to pounce, -The Scarlet Song |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Statement of Core Values : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Buddies: All of your Core cards cost one less if you have played a Bograth card this turn, to a minimum of one. Effect - Pals: All of your Bograth cards cost one less if you have played a Core card this turn, to a minimum of one. Only Bograth Magi or Core Magi can play Statement of Core Values. |
Flavor: | "With forward-focused vision for a new paradigm of embracing and celebrating a diversity of methods towards a common goal of global domination.." -preamble |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Statement of Core Values : Core Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Buddies: All of your Core cards cost one less if you have played a Bograth card this turn, to a minimum of one. Effect - Pals: All of your Bograth cards cost one less if you have played a Core card this turn, to a minimum of one. Only Bograth Magi or Core Magi can play Statement of Core Values. |
Flavor: | "With forward-focused vision for a new paradigm of embracing and celebrating a diversity of methods towards a common goal of global domination.." -preamble |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Strag's Claws : Underneath Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Offense: Whenever one of your Creatures attacks an opposing Creature, add one energy to it before energy is removed and add one energy to it after energy is removed. STARTING: Strag |
Flavor: | "The best defense leaves your opponent very sore." -Strag, Underwatcher |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Striped Korrit : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Pack Defense: Whenever one of your other Creatures is attacked, Striped Korrit may defend with the Creature. Striped Korrit loses no energy in the attack, but removes energy from the attacker as normal. |
Flavor: | "Trouble? No problem; I've got the korrit for it." -Ulk, Underwarden |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Striped Korrit : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Pack Defense: Whenever one of your other Creatures is attacked, Striped Korrit may defend with the Creature. Striped Korrit loses no energy in the attack, but removes energy from the attacker as normal. |
Flavor: | "Trouble? No problem; I've got the korrit for it." -Ulk, Underwarden |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Swamp Hyren : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Nightmare Gate: All of your other Core and Bograth cards cost one less energy to play, to a minimum of one. Core Magi can play Swamp Hyren. |
Flavor: | "An elegant creature for a more civilized age. For countless generations the Swamp Hyren were the guardians of peace and justice in the great Bograth empire." -Olabra, The Really Greatest Elder Ever |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Swamp Weebo : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Devitalized: 5 - Discard Swamp Weebo from play. Choose X Creatures in play. Discard X energy from each chosen Creature. X is the number of your Bograth Creatures in play. Effect - Shifty: Swamp Weebo loses no energy from opposing Effects. |
Flavor: | "So that's what happens when you tick one of those off!" -Wence, Adventurer |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | T'kanzam : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Effect - Dream Loops: Once per turn, immediately after an opposing Creature uses a Power, T'kanzam may use an exact copy of that Power, paying all costs. You make all choices for the Power. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play T'kanzam increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Of course it follows its nose. It has no choice." -Iain |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | T'lok : Kybar's Teeth Magi |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Baldar, Giant Baldar, Ascend |
Effect: | Power - Big Ol' Rock: 3 - Choose any one Magi with no Creatures in play. Discard ten energy from the chosen Magi. |
Flavor: | "Catch." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Taglat : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Choose any one Power or Effect on an opposing card in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Power or Effect is considered to be printed on Taglat. Taglat cannot copy a Power or Effect that it already has. All copied Powers that reference the card that they are printed on now reference Taglat. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Taglat increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "It's more than a dream thief; it's an idea thief." -Ookami. Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Taglat : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Cross: Choose any one Power or Effect on an opposing card in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, the chosen Power or Effect is considered to be printed on Taglat. Taglat cannot copy a Power or Effect that it already has. All copied Powers that reference the card that they are printed on now reference Taglat. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Taglat increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "It's more than a dream thief; it's an idea thief." -Ookami. Jungle Drummer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Taisa : Weave Magi |
Trait: | Captain of the Guard |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Speag, Uwamar, Yajo |
Effect: | Effect - Weave: Whenever one of your Effects moves energy from one of your Creatures to another, you may choose to move the energy between one of the Creatures and Taisa isntead. |
Flavor: | "I'm not certain what was worse; the Shadow Magi, or the Cald fire team that chased them. Thankfully, Gia got rid of them both." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Taisa : Paradwyn Magi |
Trait: | Captain of the Guard |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Speag, Uwamar, Yajo |
Effect: | Effect - Weave: Whenever one of your Effects moves energy from one of your Creatures to another, you may choose to move the energy between one of the Creatures and Taisa isntead. |
Flavor: | "I'm not certain what was worse; the Shadow Magi, or the Cald fire team that chased them. Thankfully, Gia got rid of them both." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Tar Hyren : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Cling: When Tar Hyren is defeated in an attack, attach it to the Creature that defeated it. That Creature cannot attack and both that Creature and that Creature's Magi loses one energy at the beginning of each turn. When attached, Tar Hyren is not affected by any cards. Only Bograth or Core Magi can play Tar Hyren. |
Flavor: | "That's what I love about the Tar Hyren, sticktoitiveness." -Zet |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tar Hyren : Core Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Cling: When Tar Hyren is defeated in an attack, attach it to the Creature that defeated it. That Creature cannot attack and both that Creature and that Creature's Magi loses one energy at the beginning of each turn. When attached, Tar Hyren is not affected by any cards. Only Bograth or Core Magi can play Tar Hyren. |
Flavor: | "D'oh! Get it off me!" -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Unmoving Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | The Last Words : Orothe Relic |
Trait: | Alternate Scroll of Fire |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Pyromancy: All Powers on your Cald and Orothe Creatures that discard energy from opposing Creatures discards two additional energy. Your Spells, Powers, and Effects can not discard energy from opposing Magi. |
Flavor: | "Bria stole the scroll?!? Well, I'll make sure I have The Last Words." -Valkan, Pyromancer and former bridge-builder |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | The Last Words : Cald Relic |
Trait: | Alternate Scroll of Fire |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Pyromancy: All Powers on your Cald and Orothe Creatures that discard energy from opposing Creatures discards two additional energy. Your Spells, Powers, and Effects can not discard energy from opposing Magi. |
Flavor: | "Bria stole the scroll?!? Well, I'll make sure I have The Last Words." -Valkan, Pyromancer and former bridge-builder |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Togoth : Core Magi |
Trait: | Practitioner of Core Magics - The General |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 6 |
Starting: | Koil, Shadow Vinoc, any one Shadow Geyser |
Effect: | Effect - Darkest Magics: After Togoth energizes on his first turn, play one Shadow Geyser from your hand, ignoring all costs and requirements of playing the Geyser. If Togoth is your first Magi, you cannot choose to go first. |
Flavor: | "It's not a Shadow Geyser! It's a Core-rupted Inter-Regional Darkness Projector and Transport Access Gate." |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tomes of the Great Library : Core Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Research: 1 - Search your deck or any opposing discard pile for any one Spell. Play the chosen Spell, ignoring regional restrictions. If that Spell came from your deck, discard it. If it came from an opposing discard pile, shuffle it into its owner's deck. Effect: Tomes of the Great Library cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Tomes of the Great Library from play if your Magi is not a Naroom Magi or Naroom Shadow Magi. STARTING: Warrada |
Flavor: | "Oh, thank you, dear brother; it's just what I've always wanted." -Warrada, The Shadow |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tomes of the Great Library : Naroom Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Power - Research: 1 - Search your deck or any opposing discard pile for any one Spell. Play the chosen Spell, ignoring regional restrictions. If that Spell came from your deck, discard it. If it came from an opposing discard pile, shuffle it into its owner's deck. Effect: Tomes of the Great Library cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Tomes of the Great Library from play if your Magi is not a Naroom Magi or Naroom Shadow Magi. STARTING: Warrada |
Flavor: | "Oh, thank you, dear brother; it's just what I've always wanted." -Warrada, The Shadow |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Treepsh : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Watchful: Whenever an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect discards energy from one or more of your Creatures in play, you may discard Treepsh from play. If you do, the Spell, Power, or Effect does nothing. Power - Supply: Discard Treepsh from play. Draw a card. If you have more Creatures in play than any one opponent of your choice, draw an additional card. |
Flavor: | They're very common along the border between the two regions, hence they always get caught in the middle. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Treepsh : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Watchful: Whenever an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect discards energy from one or more of your Creatures in play, you may discard Treepsh from play. If you do, the Spell, Power, or Effect does nothing. Power - Supply: Discard Treepsh from play. Draw a card. If you have more Creatures in play than any one opponent of your choice, draw an additional card. |
Flavor: | They're very common along the border between the two regions, hence they always get caught in the middle. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Tropical Hyren : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Energize: | 1 |
Effect: | Effect - Maximum Warp: Whenever one of your Creatures uses the Effect 'Dreamwarp', you may Dreamwarp for an additional one energy. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Tropical Hyren increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | Perpetual commotion machine |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tropical Rain : Paradwyn Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one Creature in play with the Effect 'Dreamwarp.' Add three energy to the chosen Creature. You can play Tropical Rain on an opponnent's turn, immediately after one of yoru Creatures is attacked, but before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "Urgh, it's raining jiles and furoks out there." "Really? Lemme see." -Zet and Korg |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Tropical Vinoc : Paradwyn Creature |
Trait: | Jungle Stalker |
Cost: | 4 |
Effect: | Power - Stalk: Discard a card from your hand. Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Until the end of your next turn, the chosen Creature is stalked; whenever a stalked Creature is attacked, discard one energy from the stalked Creature before energy is removed. You can use this Power any number of times during your turn. Effect - Hunt: Whenever Tropical Vinoc attacks a stalked Creature, draw one card before energy is removed. |
Flavor: | "Beware the vines of Boria." -Bograth maxim |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Trulb : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Dream Hatch: Discard Trulb from play. Look at a number fo cards from the top of your deck equal to the number of your Bograth Creatures in play. Choose any one Bograth Creature from those cards and play it with one energy, ignoring all costs. Shuffle the remaining cards into your deck. |
Flavor: | "Nobody touch it!" yelled Olabra, as the new dream creature hissed and scooted away. |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Trulb Horde : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | If you have at least three Bograth Creatures in play, play any one Bograth Creature from your hand with one energy instead of its starting energy, ignoring all costs. |
Flavor: | "Heeeere comes annnnother one!" -Arawan, Emissary |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Tryn Flame-Saver : Naroom Magi |
Trait: | Daughter of Runes |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Flame Rudwot, Grow, Thermal Blast |
Effect: | Power - Energy Substitution: The next time this turn that one of your Cald Spells or Powers discard energy from exactly one of your Creatures in play, it instead adds energy. Power - Energy Substitution: The next time this turn that one of your Naroom Spells or Powers adds energy to exactly one opposing Creature, it instead discards energy. Effect: Your cards cannot add energy to Tryn Flame-Saver |
Flavor: | "You know," said Barak, "the fire really brings out the green in your eyes." Tryn turned her head and blushed. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tryn Flame-Saver : Cald Magi |
Trait: | Daughter of Runes |
Cost: | 12 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Flame Rudwot, Grow, Thermal Blast |
Effect: | Power - Energy Substitution: The next time this turn that one of your Cald Spells or Powers discard energy from exactly one of your Creatures in play, it instead adds energy. Power - Energy Substitution: The next time this turn that one of your Naroom Spells or Powers adds energy to exactly one opposing Creature, it instead discards energy. Effect: Your cards cannot add energy to Tryn Flame-Saver |
Flavor: | "You know," said Barak, "the fire really brings out the green in your eyes." Tryn turned her head and blushed. |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Tunnel Parmalag : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Shield: Whenever Tunnel Parmalag attacks, it loses no more than one energy. Your other cards cannot prevent Tunnel Parmalag from being specifically discarded from play and cannot prevent Tunnel Parmalag from losing energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "It has an many weak spots as a two-ton boulder." -Radget |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Tunnel Parmalag : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Effect - Shield: Whenever Tunnel Parmalag attacks, it loses no more than one energy. Your other cards cannot prevent Tunnel Parmalag from being specifically discarded from play and cannot prevent Tunnel Parmalag from losing energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "It has as many weak spots as a two-ton boulder." -Radget |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Urigant : Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: As long as you have a burrowed Creature in play, Urigant is burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Dig Up: All other burrowed Creatures in play loses energy as normal in attacks. Effect - Invulnerability: Urigant loses two less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "One must set a burrower to catch a burrower." -Koll, Shaper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Urigant : Underneath Creature |
Cost: | 5 |
Effect: | Effect - Burrow: As long as you have a burrowed Creature in play, Urigant is burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers. Effect - Dig Up: All other burrowed Creatures in play loses energy as normal in attacks. Effect - Invulnerability: Urigant loses two less energy in attacks. |
Flavor: | "One must set a burrower to catch a burrower." -Koll, Shaper |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Vard Stampede : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Choose any one Magi in play. If you have at least four Bograth Creatures in play, discard all of the chosen Magi's Relics and Spells from play. |
Flavor: | Liriel looked at the destruction all around. "Tomorrow..." she said, "will be another day." |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Vault of Knowledge Key : Orothe Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Animilite Infusion: You can use all Powers on your Relics in play one additional time each turn. At the end of your turn, discard any Relic that used a Power more than once this turn. Effect - Archive: Once per turn, when one of your Relics discards itself from play, you may remove one energy from your Magi to discard one of your other Relics from play instead. Effect: Vault of Knowledge Key cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Your cards cannot discard cards from opposing player's hand's. Discard Vault of Knowledge Key from play if your Magi is not an Orothe Magi. |
Flavor: | "Be careful when you open the flamin' door." 'kbish' "Arrr, now look at what ye done, lassie." -Blu, to Bria |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Vine Hyren : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 7 |
Effect: | Effect - Dream Tap: Whenever one of your other Creatures uses the Effect 'Dreamwarp'. Add one energy to Vine Hyren. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Vine Hyren increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. |
Flavor: | "Korg's forces are too strong; we need to pull back. This'll buy us some time." -Boria, Elder |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Voice of the Storm : Orothe Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Orthea |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Hurricane Orish, one Arderial or Orothe Relic |
Effect: | Effect - Diplomacy: If you have an Arderial Creature in play, all of your Orothe Creatures cost one less energy, to a minimum of one. If you have an Orothe Creature in play, all of your Arderial Creatures cost one less energy, to a minimum of one. |
Flavor: | "Saladarits burn our oceans. You must be our voice, and bring the storm to Cald." -Mobis to Orthea |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Voice of the Storm : Arderial, Orothe Magi |
Trait: | Alternate Orthea |
Cost: | 13 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Hurricane Orish, one Arderial or Orothe Relic |
Effect: | Effect - Diplomacy: If you have an Arderial Creature in play, all of your Orothe Creatures cost one less energy, to a minimum of one. If you have an Orothe Creature in play, all of your Arderial Creatures cost one less energy, to a minimum of one. |
Flavor: | "Saladarits burn our oceans. You must be our voice, and bring the storm to Cald." -Mobis to Orthea |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Warrada's Ring : Core Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Phenomenal Cosmic Power: At the beginning of each of your turns, choose either to draw an additional card at the end of the turn, or to have all of your Core cards cost one less energy to play, to a minimum of one, until the end of the turn. STARTING: Warrada |
Flavor: | Itty bitty gemstone. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Weed Hyren : Paradwyn Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Withdraw: If Weed Hyren is discarded from play outside of an attack, place it in your hand isntead of the discard pile. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Weed Hyren increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. Effect - Weave: Whenever Weed Hyren is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Weed Hyren and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play |
Flavor: | "You! Get out of my garden. Ooohh, it's too late already." -Kesia, Musician |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Weed Hyren : Weave Creature |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Effect - Withdraw: If Weed Hyren is discarded from play outside of an attack, place it in your hand isntead of the discard pile. Effect - Dreamwarp: As you play Weed Hyren increase or decrease its starting energy by up to one, to a minimum starting energy of one, until the end of the turn. Effect - Weave: Whenever Weed Hyren is attacked, before energy is removed, you may move up to one energy between Weed Hyren and any one of your other Paradwyn or Weave Creatures in play |
Flavor: | "You! Get out of my garden. Ooohh, it's too late already." -Kesia, Musician |
Rarity: | 1 |
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Name | Wiep : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | The Sniveler |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Deadwood Staff, Darkness, Spirit Drain |
Effect: | Power - Power Drain: 2 - Choose any Power on an opposing Creature. Move energy equal to the cost of the chosen Power from that Creature to Wiep. Effect - Transform: When you reveal Wiep, if your previous Magi was Baa, place any one Bograth card from your discard pile into your hand. |
Flavor: | Can I borrow your sleeve? |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Woot! : Naroom Magi |
Trait: | Insanely Brave |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Rabid Wasperine, Wasperine, Wasperine Stalker |
Effect: | Effect - Savagery: Energy removed in attacks by your Wasperines cannot be prevented by opposing cards. Effect - Weebos Are for Wimps: Powers on your Creatures cannot add energy to other Creatures. |
Flavor: | "Out of weebos? In that case, what DO you have?" "Just this box of one dozen rabid wasperines." "Okay, I'll take that... " |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Yaki's Gauntlets : Naroom Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Double Strike: Discard a card from your hand. Until the end of your turn, all of your Naroom Creatures may attack an additional time. STARTING: Yaki |
Flavor: | "I call this move 'the aritex technique.' Properly done, there's no defense." -Yaki, Tracker |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Yog : Bograth Magi |
Trait: | Toady in Waiting |
Cost: | 15 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Wudge, Gwaeg, Yog's Maul |
Effect: | Effect - Turn: When you reveal Yog, you may choose any one Creature in play. If you do, gain control of the chosen Creature and permenently reduce Yog's energize by two. That Creature becomes Bograth instead of its original region. |
Flavor: | "She'd have better luck if she didn't keep eating the worms." -Obgren, Mistkeeper |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Yog's Maul : Bograth Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Power - Thump Thump Wham!: Discard one of your Bograth Creatures from play. Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Discard energy from the chosen Creature equal to the number of your Bograth Creatures in play. |
Flavor: | "When you have a big hammer, everything looks like your thumb. Err, a nail." -Yog, Toady in Waiting |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Yricho : Paradwyn Magi |
Cost: | 16 |
Energize: | 5 |
Starting: | Mydra, Poison Baloo Root, Yricho's Staff |
Effect: | Effect - Athletic: Once per turn, immediately after an opposing player uses a Power on one of their cards in play, you can use a Power on one of yoru cards in play. |
Flavor: | "Don't try to sneak anything past Yricho." -Bazha, Lifekeeper |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Yricho's Staff : Paradwyn Relic |
Cost: | 0 |
Effect: | Effect - Safe: As an opposing card specifically discards one of your Creatures from play, roll a die. If the die roll is less than the energy of your Magi, remove two energy from your Magi and the opposing card does not discard your Creature from play. |
Flavor: | "Run home!" yelled Yricho, brandishing his staff. |
Rarity: | 2 |
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Name | Zungg : Bograth Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Gnaw: Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Move one energy from the chosen Creature to Zungg. Only Bograth or Core Magi can play Zungg. |
Flavor: | "To sleep, perchance to dream up something THAT WILL EAT THESE THINGS!" -Emlob, Obsessive Detailer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Zungg : Core Creature |
Cost: | 1 |
Effect: | Power - Gnaw: Choose any one opposing Creature in play. Move one energy from the chosen Creature to Zungg. Only Bograth or Core Magi can play Zungg. |
Flavor: | "To sleep, perchance to dream up something THAT WILL EAT THESE THINGS!" -Emlob, Obsessive Detailer |
Rarity: | 3 |
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Name | Zungg Swarm : Bograth Spell |
Cost: | 6 |
Effect: | Choose any one Magi in play. If you have at least seven Bograth Creatures and seven Core Creatures in play, discard energy equal to the number of your Bograth Creatures in play from all of the chosen Magi's Creatures. |
Flavor: | "They eat too much, and don't leave enough for me." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Ever-Hungering Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth |
Rarity: | 1 |
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