Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Core Togoth
Name: Togoth
Region/Type: Core Magi
Trait: Practitioner of Core Magics - The General
Cost: 15
Energize: 6
Starting: Koil, Shadow Vinoc, any one Shadow Geyser
Effect: Effect - Darkest Magics: After Togoth energizes on his first turn, play one Shadow Geyser from your hand, ignoring all costs and requirements of playing the Geyser. If Togoth is your first Magi, you cannot choose to go first.
Flavor Text: "It's not a Shadow Geyser! It's a Core-rupted Inter-Regional Darkness Projector and Transport Access Gate."
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Werner
Rarity: 1
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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