Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Weave Nyrex
Name: Nyrex
Region/Type: Weave Creature
Cost: 8
Effect: Effect - Catch: Whenever one of your Weave or Paradwyn Creatures is specifically discarded from play by an opposing card or defeated while defending, you may place it below Nyrex.
Effect - Release: When Nyrex is discarded from play, play any one Creature from below Nyrex ignoring all costs and regional restrictions. Discard all other Creatures below Nyrex.
Flavor Text: Where the Nyrex hides is not nearly so important as what the Nyrex hides.
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Shreve, Werner
Rarity: 2
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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