Name: | Greater Gargagnor |
Region/Type: | Kybar's Teeth Creature |
Cost: | 10 |
Effect: | Effect - Expect it: If Great Gargagnor is discarded from your hand or deck by an opposing card, play it instead, ignoring all costs. Effect - Solid: Greater Gargagnor cannot be specifically discarded from play by opposing Spells. Power - Unearth: Discard a card from your hand. Search your discard pile for any one Kybar's Teeth card and place it into your hand. Effect - Invulnerability: Greater Gargagnor loses one less energy in attacks. |
Flavor Text: | "What do you mean they get bigg... oh, my!" -Ulk, Underwarden |
Illustrators: | Cook, Holmberg, Werner |
Rarity: | 1 |
Set: | Nightmare's Dawn |
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