Magi-Nation Duel:

Heart of Paradise

Nagi-Nation: Bograth Heart of Paradise
Name: Heart of Paradise
Region/Type: Bograth Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Korg's War: Increase the energize rate of your Magi by one. At the start of your turn, if you have at least fifty energy in play, and your Magi is Bograth, and an opposing Magi is Paradwyn, or vice versa, defeat all opposing Magi stacks.
Effect - Without End: Whenever your Magi is defeated, an opponent of your choice gains control of Heart of Paradise.
Flavor Text: "I'll find it, and I'll break it." -All-High King Korg, Magnificent, Illustrious, Destructive, Emperor of Great and Mighty Bograth
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Werner
Rarity: 1
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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