Name: | Kybar's Fang |
Region/Type: | Kybar's Teeth Relic |
Cost: | 8 |
Effect: | Power - Ancient Protector: 2 - If an opponent has more Creatures in play than you and Kybar's Fang is a Relic, Kybar's Fang becomes a Creatures instead of a Relic until the end of the turn. Add fourteen energy to Kybar's Fang whenever it becomes a Creature. Discard all energy from Kybar's Fang whenever it becomes a Relic. Effect: Kybar's Fang cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Discard Kybar's Fang from play if your Magi is not a Kybar's Teeth Magi. |
Flavor Text: | "Dang nabbit! There goes the roof again." -Motash, Elder |
Illustrators: | Gillette, Holmberg, Werner |
Rarity: | 1 |
Set: | Nightmare's Dawn |
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