Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Kybar's Teeth Urigant
Name: Urigant
Region/Type: Kybar's Teeth Creature
Cost: 5
Effect: Effect - Burrow: As long as you have a burrowed Creature in play, Urigant is burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers.
Effect - Dig Up: All other burrowed Creatures in play loses energy as normal in attacks.
Effect - Invulnerability: Urigant loses two less energy in attacks.
Flavor Text: "One must set a burrower to catch a burrower." -Koll, Shaper
Illustrators: Cook, Holmberg, Werner
Rarity: 3
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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