Name: | Vault of Knowledge Key |
Region/Type: | Orothe Relic |
Cost: | 2 |
Effect: | Effect - Animilite Infusion: You can use all Powers on your Relics in play one additional time each turn. At the end of your turn, discard any Relic that used a Power more than once this turn. Effect - Archive: Once per turn, when one of your Relics discards itself from play, you may remove one energy from your Magi to discard one of your other Relics from play instead. Effect: Vault of Knowledge Key cannot be discarded from play by opposing cards that specifically discard Relics from play. Your cards cannot discard cards from opposing player's hand's. Discard Vault of Knowledge Key from play if your Magi is not an Orothe Magi. |
Flavor Text: | "Be careful when you open the flamin' door." 'kbish' "Arrr, now look at what ye done, lassie." -Blu, to Bria |
Illustrators: | Holmberg, Vega |
Rarity: | 2 |
Set: | Nightmare's Dawn |
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