Magi-Nation Duel:

Rabid Wasperine

Nagi-Nation: Core Rabid Wasperine
Name: Rabid Wasperine
Region/Type: Core Creature
Cost: 4
Effect: Effect - Counterattack: Immediately after one of your cards is attacked, you may play Rabid Wasperine, paying all costs. If your Magi is Naroom Shadow, add one energy to Rabid Wasperine when you play it. Rabid Wasperine immediately attacks the opposing Creature that just attacked.
Naroom Magi can play Rabid Wasperine.
Flavor Text: "Oh, brother darling, look, it's drooling on the carpet again..." -Warrada, to Hrada
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Werner
Rarity: 2
Set: Voice of the Storms
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