Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Orothe Cawh
Name: Cawh
Region/Type: Orothe Creature
Cost: 15
Effect: Effect - Fearsome: Cawh loses three energy in attacks. Other cards cannot prevent Cawh from losing energy.
Effect: If Cawh is discarded or returned to your hand by an opposing card while it has energy, discard six energy from Cawh instead. Opponents cannot gain control of Cawh.
Effect: Cawh can only be played during the Play Creatures step. You cannot play Creatures while Cawh is in play, and you cannot play Cawh if you have other Creatures in play.
Flavor Text: On a scale of one to ten, there is no number large enough.
Illustrators: Gillette, Holmberg
Rarity: 2
Set: Voice of the Storms
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