X-Files CCG:

Premier Set Card List

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Name Aura Of Invulnerability
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Occult
Effect Play on any OCCULT Adversary to reduce damage from all opponent LONG RANGE COMBAT or CLOSE RANGE COMBAT sources by 1 this round.
Number XF96-0001v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Aura Of Invulnerability Premier Set XF96-0001v1 on eBay
Name First Aid
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Healing
Effect Play on any Agent in the Field to immediately Heal one point of damage.
Number XF96-0002v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG First Aid Premier Set XF96-0002v1 on eBay
Name Face-Off
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card during a LONG RANGE COMBAT round on a combatant you control with an LRC skill. That combatant and one other combatant of the owning player's choice will deal no damage in this LRC round.
Number XF96-0003v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Face-Off Premier Set XF96-0003v1 on eBay
Name Rending Claws
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Primordial, Occult
Effect Play on any PRIMORDIAL or OCCULT Adversary to add 1 to their CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill.
Number XF96-0004v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Rending Claws Premier Set XF96-0004v1 on eBay
Name Fast Strike
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any combatant with a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill of three or more to allow that combatant to attack twice in a CRC round.
Number XF96-0005v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fast Strike Premier Set XF96-0005v1 on eBay
Name Sneak Attack
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Evolutionary
Effect Play on any EVOLUTIONARY Adversary to allow it to deal all of its damage in the round before its opponents. Any opponents sent to the Hospital as a result of this damage do not cause damage this round.
Number XF96-0006v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sneak Attack Premier Set XF96-0006v1 on eBay
Name Ambush
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Subterfuge
Effect Play this card on any combatant with a SUBTERFUGE skill of 1+ or that is capable of using SUBTERFUGE cards. The opposing side's LONG RANGE COMBAT attack is negated this round.
Number XF96-0007v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ambush Premier Set XF96-0007v1 on eBay
Name Kick
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Play on any Combatant that can use MARTIAL ARTS or any combatant opposing a stunned opponent. Add 2 to the combatant's CLOSE RANGE COMBAT damage result this round.
Number XF96-0008v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Kick Premier Set XF96-0008v1 on eBay
Name Gun Jammed
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Negates the effects of any one Equipment card that adds to LONG RANGE COMBAT Skill for the duration of this combat.
Number XF96-0009v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Gun Jammed Premier Set XF96-0009v1 on eBay
Name Hide
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Subterfuge
Effect Play this on one combatant with a SUBTERFUGE skill of 1+ or that is capable of using SUBTERFUGE cards. No damage may be dealt to that combatant in this round and the combatant deals no damage.
Number XF96-0010v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hide Premier Set XF96-0010v1 on eBay
Name Dodge
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any combatant in a LONG RANGE COMBAT round to reduce the damage from any one source by four points. The combatant using this card does not deal damage in this LRC round.
Number XF96-0011v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dodge Premier Set XF96-0011v1 on eBay
Name Nerve Strike
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Play on any combatant that can use MARTIAL ARTS to add 2 to their CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill this round. In addition, the opponent is considered "stunned" for the next round of combat. The opponent will deal no damage in the next round of combat.
Number XF96-0012v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Nerve Strike Premier Set XF96-0012v1 on eBay
Name Webbed
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Primordial
Effect Play on any Primordial Adversary to add 1 to their CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill and prevent all damage from one opponent this round.
Number XF96-0013v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Webbed Premier Set XF96-0013v1 on eBay
Name Vicious Fangs
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Primordial, Occult
Effect Play on any PRIMORDIAL or OCCULT Adversary to add 2 to their CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill.
Number XF96-0014v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Vicious Fangs Premier Set XF96-0014v1 on eBay
Name Spin Kick
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Combatants that can use MARTIAL ARTS may play this card to add 3 to their CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill this round.
Number XF96-0015v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Spin Kick Premier Set XF96-0015v1 on eBay
Name Mind Control
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Occult, Evolutionary
Effect Play on any OCCULT or EVOLUTIONARY Adversary to cause one Agent to allocate all damage to a target of the Adversary's choice this round (including other Agents).
Number XF96-0016v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mind Control Premier Set XF96-0016v1 on eBay
Name Alien Stealth Technology
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Alien
Effect Play on any ALIEN combatant to reduce damage from all opponent LONG RANGE COMBAT or CLOSE RANGE COMBAT sources by 1 this round.
Number XF96-0017v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Stealth Technology Premier Set XF96-0017v1 on eBay
Name Block And Attack
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Combatants that can use MARTIAL ARTS may use this card to negate two points of damage and still deal their normal damage in a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round.
Number XF96-0018v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Block And Attack Premier Set XF96-0018v1 on eBay
Name Block
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any combatant in a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round to reduce the damage from any one source by four points. The combatant using this card does not deal damage in this CRC round.
Number XF96-0019v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Block Premier Set XF96-0019v1 on eBay
Name Body Armor
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Government
Effect Play on any GOVERNMENT Adversary to reduce damage from all opponent LONG RANGE COMBAT or CLOSE RANGE COMBAT sources by one this round.
Number XF96-0020v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Body Armor Premier Set XF96-0020v1 on eBay
Name Disarm
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Adversaries that can use MARTIAL ARTS may play this card in a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round to cause one Equipment card from the opposing side to be discarded. If the Equipment normally adds to CRC skill check, then it is discarded before it may do so.
Number XF96-0021v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Disarm Premier Set XF96-0021v1 on eBay
Name Running Gun Battle
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Combatants with a LONG RANGE COMBAT skill of 3+ may use this card to fight one additional round of LRC immediately.
Number XF96-0022v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Running Gun Battle Premier Set XF96-0022v1 on eBay
Name Fascination
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Occult
Effect Play on any Adversary to add 1 to its CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill check. In addition, if the Adversary is OCCULT, play on the chosen Agent in combat to negate his combat skills this round.
Number XF96-0023v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fascination Premier Set XF96-0023v1 on eBay
Name Internal Bleeding
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play on any Agent that has taken two or more points of damage from a single damage source. That Agent must go to the Hospital immediately and may no longer participate in the combat. The Agent may not leave the Hospital until they are fully healed.
Number XF96-0024v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Internal Bleeding Premier Set XF96-0024v1 on eBay
Name Covering Fire
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Government
Effect Play on any GOVERNMENT Adversary to allow it to split the LONG RANGE COMBAT damage it causes amongst its opponent's this round.
Number XF96-0025v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Covering Fire Premier Set XF96-0025v1 on eBay
Name No Way Out
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card to negate the effects of any combat card that ends combat. The Cost of this card is equal to the Cost of the opponent's card that ended the combat or 2 *P, whichever is greater.
Number XF96-0026v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG No Way Out Premier Set XF96-0026v1 on eBay
Name Hard Punch
Type combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play on any combatant in a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round. Add one to the combatant's damage result.
Number XF96-0027v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hard Punch Premier Set XF96-0027v1 on eBay
Name Choke Hold
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Martial Arts
Effect Play this card on any combatant that can use MARTIAL ARTS. The combatant applies a choke hold. If the combatant causes damage in CLOSE RANGE COMBAT then the damaged Adversary/Agent takes no further part in the combat.
Number XF96-0028v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Choke Hold Premier Set XF96-0028v1 on eBay
Name Fast Draw
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play on any combatant who would not normally be allowed to fight a round of LONG RANGE COMBAT. The combatant must still have LRC skill. The combatant may fight one round of LRC as normal.
Number XF96-0029v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fast Draw Premier Set XF96-0029v1 on eBay
Name Watch Out!
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card when your opponent is about to assign damage. You now choose which of the Agents or Adversaries under your control take the damage. The damage may not be split unless you play a card that allows you to do so.
Number XF96-0030v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Watch Out! Premier Set XF96-0030v1 on eBay
Name Hit And Run
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect One Agent equipped with a "Government Car" may use this card to make one CLOSE RANGE COMBAT attack at CRC skill: 6. Any damage allocated to the Agent is taken by the card first. The car is destroyed after taking six hits. Hits in excess of those needed to destroy the car are applied to the Agent. Discard the "Government Car" card after this combat round is resolved.
Number XF96-0031v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hit And Run Premier Set XF96-0031v1 on eBay
Name Handcuff
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card in a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round after damage has been dealt. If the Agents dealt two or more points more damage than their opponent, combat ends immediately. In addition, place the opposing Adversary in the Agents' Bureau section. The player may discard this card at any time to add two points of damage to any future combat involving an Adversary with the same Keywords.
Number XF96-0032v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Handcuff Premier Set XF96-0032v1 on eBay
Name Illusionary Foe
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Occult, Evolutionary
Effect Play on any OCCULT or EVOLUTIONARY Adversary to negate all damage allocated to that Adversary this round.
Number XF96-0033v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Illusionary Foe Premier Set XF96-0033v1 on eBay
Name Run For It!
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any Agent to immediately end combat for that Agent. Finish the combat without the Agent. The Agent takes not damage from the combat and may still contribute their skills to other skill checks.
Number XF96-0034v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Run For It! Premier Set XF96-0034v1 on eBay
Name Terminal Damage
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Killer
Effect Play on any Agent that has taken 5 or more damage from a single damage source. That Agent must go the Hospital immediately and may no longer participate in the combat. The Agent cannot leave the Hospital until fully healed. Subtract 5 from the Agent's Cost. If the Cost is zero or less, the Agent is removed from the game. (Agents Lamana, Willis, Purdue and Weiss are immune to this effect.)
Number XF96-0035v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Terminal Damage Premier Set XF96-0035v1 on eBay
Name Flaming Wall
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Evolutionary
Effect Play on any EVOLUTIONARY Adversary to cause one point of damage to each opponent in a LONG RANGE COMBAT round. This is in addition to any other damage caused by the Adversary in this round.
Number XF96-0036v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Flaming Wall Premier Set XF96-0036v1 on eBay
Name Massive Internal Damage
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Killer
Effect Play on any Agent that has taken four or more points of damage from a single damage source. That Agent must go to the Hospital immediately and may no longer participate in the combat. The Agent may not leave the Hospital until fully healed. Subtract 4 from the Agent's cost. If the result is zero or less, the Agent is removed from the game. (Agents Lamana, Willis, Purdue, and Weiss are immune to this effect).
Number XF96-0037v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Massive Internal Damage Premier Set XF96-0037v1 on eBay
Name Semi-Jacketed Hollow Points
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any combatant in a LONG RANGE COMBAT round to add 2 points to that combatant's LRC skill.
Number XF96-0038v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Semi-Jacketed Hollow Points Premier Set XF96-0038v1 on eBay
Name Stunning Blow
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this on any opponent who has just taken damage. The opponent is considered "stunned" for the next round of combat. This opponent will deal no damage in the next round of combat.
Number XF96-0039v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Stunning Blow Premier Set XF96-0039v1 on eBay
Name Take Cover!
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat
Effect Play this card on any combatant to decrease damage from one LONG RANGE COMBAT source by two points this round.
Number XF96-0040v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Take Cover! Premier Set XF96-0040v1 on eBay
Name Energy Strike
Type Combat
Advanced Yellow
Activators Combat
Keywords Combat, Alien, Evolutionary
Effect Play on any ALIEN or EVOLUTIONARY Adversary to add 3 to any LONG RANGE COMBAT skill check. If the Adversary does not have LRC skill, this card gives it a 3 for this round only.
Number XF96-0041v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Energy Strike Premier Set XF96-0041v1 on eBay
Name Gibsonton, Fl.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Medical
Effect Prerequisite: MEDICAL 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0042v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Gibsonton, Fl. Premier Set XF96-0042v1 on eBay
Name Excelsius Dei Convalescent Home, Worcester, MA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Motive, Method, Occult Investigation, Criminal Investigation
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question or one METHOD question. If you ask if the MOTIVE is "Security", the skill check prerequistite is 4+.
Number XF96-0043v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Excelsius Dei Convalescent Home, Worcester, MA. Premier Set XF96-0043v1 on eBay
Name Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Criminal Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0044v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. Premier Set XF96-0044v1 on eBay
Name Ellens Air Base, ID
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Bureaucracy
Effect Prerequisite: BUREAUCRACY 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Number XF96-0045v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ellens Air Base, ID Premier Set XF96-0045v1 on eBay
Name Coastal Northwest, Oregon
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Alien Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: ALIEN INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question
Number XF96-0046v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Coastal Northwest, Oregon Premier Set XF96-0046v1 on eBay
Name Olympic National Forest, WA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Evidence Collection
Effect Prerequisite: EVIDENCE COLLECTION 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0047v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Olympic National Forest, WA. Premier Set XF96-0047v1 on eBay
Name Arlington, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Occult Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: OCCULT INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Number XF96-0048v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Arlington, VA. Premier Set XF96-0048v1 on eBay
Name Lake Okobogee, Campsite #53 Sioux City, IA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Motive, Alien Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: ALIEN INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0049v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lake Okobogee, Campsite #53 Sioux City, IA. Premier Set XF96-0049v1 on eBay
Name Newark, NJ.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Evidence Collection
Effect Prerequisite: EVIDENCE COLLECTION 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0050v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Newark, NJ. Premier Set XF96-0050v1 on eBay
Name Central Prison, Raleigh, NC.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Motive, Method, Occult Investigation, Criminal Investigation
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question or one METHOD question. If you ask if the METHOD is "Possession", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0051v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Central Prison, Raleigh, NC. Premier Set XF96-0051v1 on eBay
Name Genetics Clinic, Marin County, CA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Medical
Effect Prerequisite: MEDICAL 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Number XF96-0052v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Genetics Clinic, Marin County, CA. Premier Set XF96-0052v1 on eBay
Name Cumberland Prison, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Subterfuge
Effect Prerequisite: SUBTERFUGE 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Number XF96-0053v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Cumberland Prison, VA. Premier Set XF96-0053v1 on eBay
Name Mt. Avalon, WA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Sciences
Effect Prerequisite: SCIENCES 4+
Question: You may ask one MEHTOD question.
Number XF96-0054v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mt. Avalon, WA. Premier Set XF96-0054v1 on eBay
Name Northeast Georgetown Medical Center, Washington DC
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Medical
Effect Prerequisite: MEDICAL 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0055v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Northeast Georgetown Medical Center, Washington DC Premier Set XF96-0055v1 on eBay
Name NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Sciences, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: SCIENCES 5+ or OBSERVATION 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0056v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX Premier Set XF96-0056v1 on eBay
Name New York City, NY
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Medical, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: MEDICAL 5+ or BEHAVIORAL 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one RESULT question. If you ask if the RESULT is "Insanity", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0057v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG New York City, NY Premier Set XF96-0057v1 on eBay
Name Fairfield Zoo, Fairfield ID.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Motive, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: OBSERVATION 4+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0058v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fairfield Zoo, Fairfield ID. Premier Set XF96-0058v1 on eBay
Name Deadhorse, AK
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Alien Investigation, Evidence Collection
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one RESULT question. If you ask if the RESULT is "Manipulation of Evidence", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0059v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Deadhorse, AK Premier Set XF96-0059v1 on eBay
Name Containment Facility, Georgetown, MD.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: OBSERVATION 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0060v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Containment Facility, Georgetown, MD. Premier Set XF96-0060v1 on eBay
Name University Of Maryland, Baltimore MD.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Criminal Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0061v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG University Of Maryland, Baltimore MD. Premier Set XF96-0061v1 on eBay
Name Chaco House, Dudley, AR.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Motive, Subterfuge, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: SUBTERFUGE 5+ or BEHAVIORAL 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION or one MOTIVE question. If you ask if the MOTIVE is "Security", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0062v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Chaco House, Dudley, AR. Premier Set XF96-0062v1 on eBay
Name Aubrey, MO.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Motive, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: BEHAVIORAL 4+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0063v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Aubrey, MO. Premier Set XF96-0063v1 on eBay
Name Cape Cod, MA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Affiliation, Sciences
Effect Prerequisite: SCIENCES 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Number XF96-0064v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Cape Cod, MA. Premier Set XF96-0064v1 on eBay
Name Icy Cape, Alaska
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Evidence Collection
Effect Prerequisite: EVIDENCE COLLECTION 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0065v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Icy Cape, Alaska Premier Set XF96-0065v1 on eBay
Name Farmington, NM
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Motive, Method, Alien Investigation, Computer
Effect Prerequisite: ALIEN INVESTIGATION 5+ or COMPUTER 5+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question or one METHOD question. If you ask if the METHOD is "Manipulation", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0066v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Farmington, NM Premier Set XF96-0066v1 on eBay
Name U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend WI.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Motive, Result, Alien Investigation, Bureaucracy
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question or one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0067v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend WI. Premier Set XF96-0067v1 on eBay
Name Mattawa, WA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Bureaucracy
Effect Prerequisite: BUREAUCRACY 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0068v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mattawa, WA. Premier Set XF96-0068v1 on eBay
Name Mahan Propulsion Laboratory, Colson, WA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Motive, Computer
Effect Prerequisite: COMPUTER 4+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0069v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mahan Propulsion Laboratory, Colson, WA. Premier Set XF96-0069v1 on eBay
Name Church Of The Red Museum, Delta Glen, WI.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Method, Subterfuge, Medical
Effect Prerequisite: SUBTERFUGE 5+ or MEDICAL 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0070v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Church Of The Red Museum, Delta Glen, WI. Premier Set XF96-0070v1 on eBay
Name Psychiatric Hospital, Richmond, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Computer
Effect Prerequisite: COMPUTER 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0071v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Psychiatric Hospital, Richmond, VA. Premier Set XF96-0071v1 on eBay
Name Washington Monument, Washington DC
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Motive, Result, Behavioral, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: BEHAVIORAL 5+ or OBSERVATION 5+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question or one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0072v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Washington Monument, Washington DC Premier Set XF96-0072v1 on eBay
Name Marion, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: BEHAVIORAL 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0073v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Marion, VA. Premier Set XF96-0073v1 on eBay
Name Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Method, Alien Investigation, Computer
Effect Prerequisite: ALIEN INVESTIGATION 5+ or COMPUTER 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0074v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Arecibo, Puerto Rico Premier Set XF96-0074v1 on eBay
Name Sea Off Of Tildeskan, Norway
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: OBSERVATION 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0075v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sea Off Of Tildeskan, Norway Premier Set XF96-0075v1 on eBay
Name Aleister Crowley High School, Milford Haven, NH.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Occult Investigation, Observation
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0076v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Aleister Crowley High School, Milford Haven, NH. Premier Set XF96-0076v1 on eBay
Name Los Angeles, CA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Method, Occult Investigation, Evidence Collection
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0077v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Los Angeles, CA. Premier Set XF96-0077v1 on eBay
Name Minneapolis, MN.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Method, Result, Medical, Criminal Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: MEDICAL 5+ or CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 5+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question or one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0078v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Minneapolis, MN. Premier Set XF96-0078v1 on eBay
Name Franklin, PA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Criminal Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0079v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Franklin, PA. Premier Set XF96-0079v1 on eBay
Name Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Method, Result, Computer, Bureaucracy
Effect Prerequisite: COMPUTER 5+ or BUREAUCRACY 5+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question or one RESULT question. If you ask if the RESULT is "Abduction", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0080v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA. Premier Set XF96-0080v1 on eBay
Name Folkstone, NC.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Motive, Bureaucracy, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: BUREAUCRACY 5+ or BEHAVIORAL 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0081v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Folkstone, NC. Premier Set XF96-0081v1 on eBay
Name Outskirts Of Atlantic City, NJ
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Affiliation, Motive, Subterfuge, Observation
Effect Prerequisite: SUBTERFUGE 5+ or OBSERVATION 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0082v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Outskirts Of Atlantic City, NJ Premier Set XF96-0082v1 on eBay
Name Browning, MT.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Motive, Occult Investigation
Effect Prerequisite: OCCULT INVESTIGATION 4+
Question: You may ask one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0083v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Browning, MT. Premier Set XF96-0083v1 on eBay
Name Steveston, MA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Result, Behavioral
Effect Prerequisite: BEHAVIORAL 4+
Question: You may ask one RESULT question.
Number XF96-0084v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Steveston, MA. Premier Set XF96-0084v1 on eBay
Name Skyland Mountain, VA.
Type Site
Keywords Site, Mono, Method, Subterfuge
Effect Prerequisite: SUBTERFUGE 4+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question.
Number XF96-0085v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Skyland Mountain, VA. Premier Set XF96-0085v1 on eBay
Name Baltimore, Maryland
Type Site
Keywords Site, Multi, Method, Result, Sciences, Evidence Collection
Effect Prerequisite: SCIENCES 5+ or EVIDENCE COLLECTION 5+
Question: You may ask one METHOD question or one RESULT question. If you ask if the METHOD is "Threats", the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Number XF96-0086v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Baltimore, Maryland Premier Set XF96-0086v1 on eBay
Name Detective Kelly Ryan
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Evolutionary
Number XF96-0087v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Kelly Ryan Premier Set XF96-0087v1 on eBay
Name Sinus Cavity Implant
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Conspiracy, Alien, Phenomena
Effect Play on one Agent to decrease that Agent's RES value by one. This card is removed when a Healing card is played on the Agent.
Number XF96-0088v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sinus Cavity Implant Premier Set XF96-0088v1 on eBay
Name Peter Tanaka
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Primordial
Effect Play to change the Site Prerequisite to OBSERVATION 3+.
Number XF96-0089v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Peter Tanaka Premier Set XF96-0089v1 on eBay
Name Section Chief Joseph McGrath
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Conspiracy, Government, Move
Effect Force one Agent (your choice) back to the Bureau immediately. The Agent may not contribute to any skill checks this turn.
Number XF96-0090v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Section Chief Joseph McGrath Premier Set XF96-0090v1 on eBay
Name Cigarette Butts
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Conspiracy, Phenomena, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: OCCULT INVESTIGATION, BEHAVIORAL, BUREAUCRACY.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: OCCULT INVESTIGATION, BEHAVIORAL, BUREAUCRACY. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0091v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Cigarette Butts Premier Set XF96-0091v1 on eBay
Name Sheriff Daniels
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Primordial, Subterfuge
Effect Play to change a Site Prerequisite to SUBTERFUGE 3+.
Number XF96-0092v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sheriff Daniels Premier Set XF96-0092v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Berube
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, MEDICAL, SCIENCES.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, MEDICAL, SCIENCES. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0093v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Berube Premier Set XF96-0093v1 on eBay
Name The Overcoat Man
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: MEDICAL, OBSERVATION, BEHAVIORAL.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: MEDICAL, OBSERVATION, BEHAVIORAL. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0094v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Overcoat Man Premier Set XF96-0094v1 on eBay
Name You've Got A Tail
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play after a Team investigates a Site to destroy one Event RESOURCE.
Number XF96-0095v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG You've Got A Tail Premier Set XF96-0095v1 on eBay
Name Pete Calcagni
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Occult, Resource
Effect Play to force your opponent to discard one Witness RESOURCE immediately.
Number XF96-0096v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Pete Calcagni Premier Set XF96-0096v1 on eBay
Name Holtzman, D.S.A.
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, EVIDENCE COLLECTION, COMPUTER.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, EVIDENCE COLLECTION, COMPUTER. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0097v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Holtzman, D.S.A. Premier Set XF96-0097v1 on eBay
Name Claude Peterson
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, SUBTERFUGE, COMPUTER.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, SUBTERFUGE, COMPUTER. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0098v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Claude Peterson Premier Set XF96-0098v1 on eBay
Name The Conundrum
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy, Evidence Collection
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena, Evolutionary
Effect Play to negate one keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION card.
Number XF96-0099v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Conundrum Premier Set XF96-0099v1 on eBay
Name Paul Mossinger
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills:ALIEN INVESTIGATION, OBSERVATION, SUBTERFUGE.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, OBSERVATION, SUBTERFUGE. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0100v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Paul Mossinger Premier Set XF96-0100v1 on eBay
Name Intruder Counter-Measures Program
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play to add 2 [Conspir] to your pool immediately.
Number XF96-0101v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Intruder Counter-Measures Program Premier Set XF96-0101v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Aaron Monte
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Evolutionary
Effect Play to change one keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION, MEDICAL, or CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION card to keyword MOTIVE.
Number XF96-0102v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Aaron Monte Premier Set XF96-0102v1 on eBay
Name Poisonous Gases
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena, Primordial
Effect Force an opposing Team to make a SCIENCES 4+ skill check. If they fail, each Agent takes one point of damage. If one of the Agents has a "Gas Chromatograph", then this card has no effect.
Number XF96-0103v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Poisonous Gases Premier Set XF96-0103v1 on eBay
Name Laser Barrier
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play to prevent one Agent assigned to a Site from contributing the Agent's skills to one skill check (your choice) that the Team makes this turn.
Number XF96-0104v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Laser Barrier Premier Set XF96-0104v1 on eBay
Name Nasty Surprise
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play to add five tokens to your [Conspir] pool.
Number XF96-0105v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Nasty Surprise Premier Set XF96-0105v1 on eBay
Name Sleep Deprivation
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Decrease all of the skill levels on one Agent (your choice) by 1 for this turn only.
Number XF96-0106v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sleep Deprivation Premier Set XF96-0106v1 on eBay
Name Radioactive Area
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Increase a Site Prerequisite by one point (i.e., Prerequisite: Skills 5+ becomes Skill 6+). In addition, if the Team fails the skill check, each Agent on the Team takes one point of damage. If one of the Agents has a "Geiger Counter", this card has no effect.
Number XF96-0107v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Radioactive Area Premier Set XF96-0107v1 on eBay
Name Ghost In The Machine
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena, Evolutionary
Effect Play to change one keyword COMPUTER, SCIENCES, or SUBTERFUGE card to keyword RESULT.
Number XF96-0108v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ghost In The Machine Premier Set XF96-0108v1 on eBay
Name Unnatural Aging
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Alien, Phenomena
Effect Force the Team to make a SCIENCES 4+ skill check. If they fail, choose one Agent to go the Hospital. The chosen Agent permanently loses one HEALTH. An Agent's permanent HEALTH can never be reduced below 1.
Number XF96-0109v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Unnatural Aging Premier Set XF96-0109v1 on eBay
Name Car Troubles
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena, Move
Effect Play on a Team of three or more Agents moving to the same Site. The Team may only send two Agents to that Site (owning player's choice). Any extra Agents remain in the Team but may not contribute their skills to any checks this turn. In addition, playing this card will prevent the use of the "Evasive Maneuver" card by this Team this turn.
Number XF96-0110v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Car Troubles Premier Set XF96-0110v1 on eBay
Name Puzzles Within Puzzles
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy, Criminal Investigation
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play to negate one keyword CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION card.
Number XF96-0111v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Puzzles Within Puzzles Premier Set XF96-0111v1 on eBay
Name Government Cover-up
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Conspiracy, Phenomena, Government
Effect Basic Game Only: Apply a -2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: SCIENCES, EVIDENCE COLLECTION, BUREAUCRACY.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed [Conspir] Cost, where X = the number of [Conspir] paid to gain the desired modifier to one of the following skills: SCIENCES, EVIDENCE COLLECTION, BUREAUCRACY. (1) = -1, (3) = -2, (5) = -3, (9) = -4
Number XF96-0112v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Government Cover-up Premier Set XF96-0112v1 on eBay
Name Hazardous Sample
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Phenomena
Effect Play to force the Investigating player to discard all keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION cards in his hand.
Number XF96-0113v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hazardous Sample Premier Set XF96-0113v1 on eBay
Name Henry Trondheim
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff
Effect Force the Team investigating a Site to discard one Equipment card of your choice.
Number XF96-0114v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Henry Trondheim Premier Set XF96-0114v1 on eBay
Name Detective Miles
Type Bluff
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Alien
Effect Pay 1 [Conspir] to move up to 2 [Resource] from your opponent's [Resource] pool to your [Conspir] pool immediately.
Number XF96-0115v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Miles Premier Set XF96-0115v1 on eBay
Name Detective Thompson
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Primordial
Effect Play to change a Site Prerequisite to BUREAUCRACY 3+.
Number XF96-0116v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Thompson Premier Set XF96-0116v1 on eBay
Name Harry Cokely
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Evolutionary
Effect Play to change one keyword OCCULT INVESTIGATION, BEHAVIORAL, or OBSERVATION card to keyword METHOD.
Number XF96-0117v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Harry Cokely Premier Set XF96-0117v1 on eBay
Name Detective Tony Fiore
Type Bluff
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Bluff, Occult
Effect Play to cause your opponent to discard two cards at random from their hand immediately.
Number XF96-0118v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Tony Fiore Premier Set XF96-0118v1 on eBay
Name B.J. Morrow, Genetic Trait Recipient
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Control, Possession, Insanity
Number XF96-0119v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG B.J. Morrow, Genetic Trait Recipient Premier Set XF96-0119v1 on eBay
Name Augustus Cole, A.K.A. The Preacher
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Control, Manipulation, Death
Number XF96-0120v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Augustus Cole, A.K.A. The Preacher Premier Set XF96-0120v1 on eBay
Name The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Ideology, Threats, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0121v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Cigarette-Smoking Man Premier Set XF96-0121v1 on eBay
Name Duane Barry
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Survival, Violence, Abduction
Number XF96-0122v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Duane Barry Premier Set XF96-0122v1 on eBay
Name The Jersey Devil
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Security, Violence, Death
Number XF96-0123v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Jersey Devil Premier Set XF96-0123v1 on eBay
Name The Host
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Survival, Violence, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0124v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Host Premier Set XF96-0124v1 on eBay
Name Lucas Henry, Serial Killer
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Control, Violence, Abduction
Number XF96-0125v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lucas Henry, Serial Killer Premier Set XF96-0125v1 on eBay
Name Arthur Grable
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Knowledge, Possession, Death
Number XF96-0126v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Arthur Grable Premier Set XF96-0126v1 on eBay
Name Warren James Dupre, The Lazarus Man
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Survival, Possession, Abduction
Number XF96-0127v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Warren James Dupre, The Lazarus Man Premier Set XF96-0127v1 on eBay
Name Colonel Wharton, Zombie Master
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Knowledge, Subterfuge, Insanity
Number XF96-0128v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Colonel Wharton, Zombie Master Premier Set XF96-0128v1 on eBay
Name Alien D.N.A. Steroid Program (Project Purity Control)
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Knowledge, Subterfuge, Physiological Inbalance
Number XF96-0129v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien D.N.A. Steroid Program (Project Purity Control) Premier Set XF96-0129v1 on eBay
Name The Gregors
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Securty, Manipulation, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0130v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Gregors Premier Set XF96-0130v1 on eBay
Name Sheriff Tom Arens, Cannibal
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Ideology, Subterfuge, Insanity
Number XF96-0131v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sheriff Tom Arens, Cannibal Premier Set XF96-0131v1 on eBay
Name The Vampire, A.K.A. The Unholy Spirit
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Survival, Subterfuge, Death
Number XF96-0132v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Vampire, A.K.A. The Unholy Spirit Premier Set XF96-0132v1 on eBay
Name Central Operating System, Artificial Intelligence
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Security, Violence, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0133v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Central Operating System, Artificial Intelligence Premier Set XF96-0133v1 on eBay
Name Volcanic Spore
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Survival, Manipulation, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0134v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Volcanic Spore Premier Set XF96-0134v1 on eBay
Name Michael Holvey, The Evil One
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Ideology, Possession, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0135v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Michael Holvey, The Evil One Premier Set XF96-0135v1 on eBay
Name Eugene Victor Tooms
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Survival, Subterfuge, Death
Number XF96-0136v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Eugene Victor Tooms Premier Set XF96-0136v1 on eBay
Name Howard Graves, The Poltergeist
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Security, Threats, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0137v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Howard Graves, The Poltergeist Premier Set XF96-0137v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Banton And His Shadow
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Ideology, Threats, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0138v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Banton And His Shadow Premier Set XF96-0138v1 on eBay
Name Alien Listeners
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Ideology, Subterfuge, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0139v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Listeners Premier Set XF96-0139v1 on eBay
Name Commander Collin Henderson
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Security, Subterfuge, Manipulation of Evidence
Number XF96-0140v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Commander Collin Henderson Premier Set XF96-0140v1 on eBay
Name Arctic Worm
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Survival, Possession, Insanity
Number XF96-0141v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Arctic Worm Premier Set XF96-0141v1 on eBay
Name The Manitou
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Control, Violence, Death
Number XF96-0142v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Manitou Premier Set XF96-0142v1 on eBay
Name Leonard Vance
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Knowledge, Manipulation, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0143v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Leonard Vance Premier Set XF96-0143v1 on eBay
Name Ancestor Spirits
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Ideology, Threats, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0144v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ancestor Spirits Premier Set XF96-0144v1 on eBay
Name Ed Funsch, Postal Worker
Type Combat
Keywords Government, Control, Possession, Insanity
Number XF96-0145v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ed Funsch, Postal Worker Premier Set XF96-0145v1 on eBay
Name Mrs. Paddock, A.K.A. The Dark Angel
Type X-File
Keywords Occult, Ideology, Threats, Death
Number XF96-0146v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mrs. Paddock, A.K.A. The Dark Angel Premier Set XF96-0146v1 on eBay
Name Dod Kalm
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Control, Manipulation, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0147v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dod Kalm Premier Set XF96-0147v1 on eBay
Name John Barnett
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Control, Violence, Death
Number XF96-0148v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG John Barnett Premier Set XF96-0148v1 on eBay
Name Alien Conservationist
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Ideology, Subterfuge, Abduction
Number XF96-0149v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Conservationist Premier Set XF96-0149v1 on eBay
Name Faciphaga Emasculata
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Knowledge, Manipulation, Physiological Imbalance
Number XF96-0150v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Faciphaga Emasculata Premier Set XF96-0150v1 on eBay
Name Donnie Pfaster, Death Fetishist
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Ideology, Subterfuge, Death
Number XF96-0151v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Donnie Pfaster, Death Fetishist Premier Set XF96-0151v1 on eBay
Name Brother Martin, Rogue Kindred
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Knowledge, Violence, Death
Number XF96-0152v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Brother Martin, Rogue Kindred Premier Set XF96-0152v1 on eBay
Name Alien Abductors
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Knowledge, Subterfuge, Abduction
Number XF96-0153v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Abductors Premier Set XF96-0153v1 on eBay
Name Eve
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Knowledge, Violence, Abduction
Number XF96-0154v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Eve Premier Set XF96-0154v1 on eBay
Name Alien Experimenters
Type X-File
Keywords Alien, Survival, Possession, Death
Number XF96-0155v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Experimenters Premier Set XF96-0155v1 on eBay
Name Reverse Engineers
Type X-File
Keywords Government, Security, Threats, Insanity
Number XF96-0156v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Reverse Engineers Premier Set XF96-0156v1 on eBay
Name The Swarm
Type X-File
Keywords Primordial, Survival, Violence, Abduction
Number XF96-0157v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Swarm Premier Set XF96-0157v1 on eBay
Name Leonard, Detachable Congenital Twin
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Control, Violence, Death
Number XF96-0158v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Leonard, Detachable Congenital Twin Premier Set XF96-0158v1 on eBay
Name Cecil L'ively
Type X-File
Keywords Evolutionary, Control, Threats, Death
Number XF96-0159v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Cecil L'ively Premier Set XF96-0159v1 on eBay
Name Section Chief Scott Blevins
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 1~Bureaucracy: 3~Criminal Investigation: 1~Evidence Collection: 1~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 3~Res: 1
Effect Treat Section Chief Blevins as a RES 2 if he is in the Burearu Section. If he is in the Bureau Section, he may contribute to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resource Pool during the Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0160v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Section Chief Scott Blevins Premier Set XF96-0160v1 on eBay
Name Albert Hosteen
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, Independent, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 2~Medical: 2~Observation: 1~Occult Investigation: 4~Subterfuge: 2~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 3~Res: 1
Effect Place a token on Hosteen's card. Discard a token to examine your opponent's hand. Select any one Conspiracy card in your opponent's hand and show it to your opponent. If your opponent plays that card at any time in the game, you may immediately ask one question about the X-File. This question may only be asked the first time the card is played.
Number XF96-0161v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Albert Hosteen Premier Set XF96-0161v1 on eBay
Name Agent Alex Krycek
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 3~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Sciences: 1~Subterfuge: 4~Long Range Combat: 4~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5~Res: 2
Effect Agent Krycek allows you to choose to add to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resource Pool during the Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0162v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Alex Krycek Premier Set XF96-0162v1 on eBay
Name Agent Fox Mulder
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 4~Behavioral: 3~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 2~Occult Investigation: 3~Sciences: 1~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5~Res: 2
Effect [Resource]s generated by Agent Mulder must be used to purchase cards. Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to play a Site for zero [Resource] cost.
Number XF96-0163v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Fox Mulder Premier Set XF96-0163v1 on eBay
Name Lt. Brian Tillman, Aubry Police Department
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, Independent, Law
Stats Bureaucracy: 1~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Occult Investigation: 1~Sciences: 2~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword EQUIPMENT or COMBAT cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0164v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lt. Brian Tillman, Aubry Police Department Premier Set XF96-0164v1 on eBay
Name Agent Rich
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Behavioral: 2~Computer: 1~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION or SUBTERFUGE cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0165v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Rich Premier Set XF96-0165v1 on eBay
Name Agent Lucy Kazdin
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law
Stats Alien Investigation: 1~Behavioral: 3~Computer: 1~Medical: 1~Observation: 1~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect If one of your Agents is Abducted, you may immediately draw two cards.
Number XF96-0166v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Lucy Kazdin Premier Set XF96-0166v1 on eBay
Name Agent Jack Willis
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law
Stats Behavioral: 2~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Occult Investigation: 1~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 3~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5~Res: 1
Effect Place a token on this card. Discard a token and look through your Bureau deck to draw any one Site that asks an AFFILIATION question. Add it to your hand. Reshuffle your Bureau Deck.
Number XF96-0167v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Jack Willis Premier Set XF96-0167v1 on eBay
Name Inspector Phoebe Green
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, Independent, Law
Stats Criminal Investigation: 3~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 3~Sciences: 2~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place a token on this card. Discard a token to move Agent Fox Mulder from anywhere on the table to the Team Phoebe Green is in. Mulder may assist in any skill check made by the Team. In this manner, Mulder may assist on two Sites in one turn.
Number XF96-0168v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Inspector Phoebe Green Premier Set XF96-0168v1 on eBay
Name Agent Fox Mulder
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 4~Behavioral: 3~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 2~Occult Investigation: 3~Sciences: 1~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5~Res: 2
Effect [Resource]s generated by Agent Mulder must be used to purchase cards. Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to play a Site for zero [Resource] cost.
Number XF96-0169v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Fox Mulder Premier Set XF96-0169v1 on eBay
Name Agent Alex Krycek
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 3~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Sciences: 1~Subterfuge: 4~Long Range Combat: 4~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5~Res: 2
Effect Agent Krycek allows you to choose to add to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resource Pool during the Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0170v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Alex Krycek Premier Set XF96-0170v1 on eBay
Name Agent Nancy Spiller
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Bureaucracy: 2~Computer: 1~Criminal Investigation: 1~Evidence Collection: 1~Medical: 3~Sciences: 2~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health 3~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword COMPUTER or SCIENCES cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0171v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Nancy Spiller Premier Set XF96-0171v1 on eBay
Name Agent Dana Scully
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Behavioral: 1~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Medical: 4~Observation: 2~Occult Investigation: 1~Sciences: 3~Long Range Combat: 3~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 2
Effect Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to examine any one Bluff card. Place Bluff card back on the Site after examining.
Number XF96-0172v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Dana Scully Premier Set XF96-0172v1 on eBay
Name Agent Dana Scully
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Behavioral: 1~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Medical: 4~Observation: 2~Occult Investigation: 1~Sciences: 3~Long Range Combat: 3~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 2
Effect Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to examine any one Bluff card. Place Bluff card back on the Site after examining.
Number XF96-0173v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Dana Scully Premier Set XF96-0173v1 on eBay
Name Assistant Director, Walter Skinner
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Neutral, Skeptic
Stats Bureaucracy 4~Criminal Investigation 3~Evidence Collection 2~Subterfuge 3~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 5~Res: 1
Effect Treat Assistant Director Skinner as a RES 3 if he is in the Bureau Section of the table.
Number XF96-0174v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Assistant Director, Walter Skinner Premier Set XF96-0174v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Charles Burk
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, Independent, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 1~Computer: 4~Observation: 1~Occult Investigation: 2~Sciences: 2~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 3~Res: 1
Effect Place one token on this card. Discard a token to negate one OCCULT Adversary.
Number XF96-0175v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Charles Burk Premier Set XF96-0175v1 on eBay
Name Agent Tom Colton
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Behavioral: 1~Bureaucracy: 1~Criminal Investigation: 2~Sciences: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 3~Res: 2
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION or BUREAUCRACY cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0176v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Tom Colton Premier Set XF96-0176v1 on eBay
Name Agent Janus, Trained Medic
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law
Stats Computer: 2~Evidence Collection: 1~Medical: 3~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword MEDICAL or HEALING cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase. In addition, if Janus is in the Field Section, he may "heal" one point of damage on another Agent in his Team, once per turn. This may prevent an Agent from going to the Hospital.
Number XF96-0177v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Janus, Trained Medic Premier Set XF96-0177v1 on eBay
Name Agent Moe Bocks
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Believer
Stats Alien Investigation: 2~Bureaucracy: 1~Criminal Investigation: 3~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 1~Sciences: 1~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword ALIEN INVESTIGATION or OCCULT INVESTIGATION cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0178v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Moe Bocks Premier Set XF96-0178v1 on eBay
Name Agent Reggie Purdue
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law, Skeptic
Stats Behavioral: 1~Computer: 2~Criminal Investigation: 2~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 2~Subterfuge: 2~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place a token on this card. Discard this token and look though your Bureau deck to draw any one Site that asks a RESULT question. Add it to your hand. Reshuffle your Bureau Deck.
Number XF96-0179v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Reggie Purdue Premier Set XF96-0179v1 on eBay
Name Assistant Director, Walter Skinner
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Neutral, Skeptic
Stats Bureaucracy 4~Criminal Investigation 3~Evidence Collection 2~Subterfuge 3~Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 5~Res: 1
Effect Treat Assistant Director Skinner as a RES 3 if he is in the Bureau Section of the table.
Number XF96-0180v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Assistant Director, Walter Skinner Premier Set XF96-0180v1 on eBay
Name Agent Weiss
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law
Stats Computer: 1~Criminal Investigation: 1~Evidence Collection: 2~Observation: 2~Subterfuge: 1~Long Range Combat: 3~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 4~Res: 1
Effect Place a token on this card. Discard a token and look through your Bureau deck to draw any one Site that asks a METHOD question. Add it to your hand. Reshuffle your Bureau Deck.
Number XF96-0181v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Weiss Premier Set XF96-0181v1 on eBay
Name Agent Jerry Lamana
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Law
Stats Bureaucracy: 2~Computer: 3~Criminal Investigation: 1~Evidence Collection: 1~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 3~Res: 1
Effect Once per game, when Agent Lamana is part of a Team investigating a Site in the Investigation Phase, he may force his opponent to show the cards in his hand. Lamana may then steal any one card. He may use it immediately in the investigation. You must still pay for the card. Whether you use it or not, place it in its owner's Discard Pile at the end of the turn.
Number XF96-0182v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Jerry Lamana Premier Set XF96-0182v1 on eBay
Name Agent Karen Kosseff, Counselor
Type Agent
Keywords Agent, FBI, Believer
Stats Behavioral: 3~Criminal Investigation: 1~Evidence Collection: 1~Medical: 1~Occult Investigation: 2~Long Range Combat: 1~Close Range Combat: 1~Health: 3~Res: 1
Effect Place 1 [Resource] on this card. This [Resource] may be used to pay for any Keyword BEHAVIORAL or OBSERVATION cards. If you use this [Resource], replace it during your Briefing Phase.
Number XF96-0183v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Karen Kosseff, Counselor Premier Set XF96-0183v1 on eBay
Name Sheriff Spencer
Type Witness
Activators Active, Criminal Investigation
Keywords Witness, Criminal Investigation
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0184v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sheriff Spencer Premier Set XF96-0184v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Blockhead
Type Witness
Activators Active, Evolutionary, Creature
Keywords Witness, Evolutionary, Negate
Number XF96-0185v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Blockhead Premier Set XF96-0185v1 on eBay
Name The Thinker
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness
Effect Change one Keyword to any other one Keyword on a card played by your opponent.
Number XF96-0186v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Thinker Premier Set XF96-0186v1 on eBay
Name Byers
Type Witness
Activators Active, Computer
Keywords Witness, Computer
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's COMPUTER skill check.
Number XF96-0187v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Byers Premier Set XF96-0187v1 on eBay
Name Emil And Zoe
Type Witness
Activators Active, Observation
Keywords Witness, Observation
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's OBSERVATION skill check.
Number XF96-0188v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Emil And Zoe Premier Set XF96-0188v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Davey
Type Witness
Activators Active, Sciences
Keywords Witness, Sciences
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's SCIENCES skill check.
Number XF96-0189v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Davey Premier Set XF96-0189v1 on eBay
Name Billy Miles
Type Witness
Activators Active, Alien Investigation
Keywords Witness, Alien Investigation
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0190v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Billy Miles Premier Set XF96-0190v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Diamond
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Behavioral, Resource
Effect Adds 1 to one Agent's BEHAVIORAL skill check one during your turn.
Number XF96-0191v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Diamond Premier Set XF96-0191v1 on eBay
Name Detective Frank Briggs
Type Witness
Activators Active, Criminal Investigation
Keywords Witness, Criminal Investigation
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0192v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Frank Briggs Premier Set XF96-0192v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Grissom
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Behavioral, Evolutionary, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword EVOLUTIONARY or BEHAVIORAL card is played.
Number XF96-0193v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Grissom Premier Set XF96-0193v1 on eBay
Name Kevin Morris, a.k.a. The Conduit
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Alien Investigation, Evidence Collection, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword ALIEN INVESTIGATION or EVIDENCE COLLECTION card is played.
Number XF96-0194v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Kevin Morris, a.k.a. The Conduit Premier Set XF96-0194v1 on eBay
Name Detective Sharon Lazard
Type Witness
Activators Active, Evidence Collection
Keywords Witness, Evidence Collection
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's EVIDENCE COLLECTION skill check.
Number XF96-0195v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Detective Sharon Lazard Premier Set XF96-0195v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Laskos
Type Witness
Activators Active, Medical
Keywords Witness, Medical
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's MEDICAL skill check.
Number XF96-0196v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Laskos Premier Set XF96-0196v1 on eBay
Name The Calusari
Type Witness
Activators Active, Occult, Creature
Keywords Witness, Negate, Occult
Effect Negates one OCCULT CREATURE.
Number XF96-0197v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Calusari Premier Set XF96-0197v1 on eBay
Name Bill Mulder
Type Witness
Activators Active, Subterfuge
Keywords Witness, Negate, Subterfuge
Effect Adds 2 to one Agent's SUBTERFUGE skill check. Alternately, any card that would send Fox Mulder to the Hospital may be negated by playing the Bill Mulder card. If played in this way, remove Bill Mulder from the game.
Number XF96-0198v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Bill Mulder Premier Set XF96-0198v1 on eBay
Name Charley Tskany
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Resource
Effect Attach this Witness to a Team. This Witness will add his skills to the appropriate skill check like an Agent, CRC: 2, LRC: 2, and HEALTH: 3. If he is sent to the Hospital, or at any time there are no Agents in the Team, remove the card from the game.
Number XF96-0199v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Charley Tskany Premier Set XF96-0199v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Osborne
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Government, Medical, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword GOVERNMENT or MEDICAL card is played.
Number XF96-0200v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Osborne Premier Set XF96-0200v1 on eBay
Name Michelle Generoo
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Bureaucracy, Computer, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword COMPUTER or BUREAUCRACY card is played.
Number XF96-0201v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Michelle Generoo Premier Set XF96-0201v1 on eBay
Name Sir Malcolm Marsden
Type Witness
Activators Active, Bureaucracy
Keywords Witness, Bureaucracy
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's BUREAUCRACY skill check.
Number XF96-0202v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sir Malcolm Marsden Premier Set XF96-0202v1 on eBay
Name Samantha Mulder
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Subterfuge, Resource
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's SUBTERFUGE skill check once per turn. You may have any number of Samantha Mulder cards in play.
Number XF96-0203v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Samantha Mulder Premier Set XF96-0203v1 on eBay
Name Max Fenig
Type Witness
Activators Active, Alien Investigation
Keywords Witness, Alien Investigation
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check. Alternately, you may play this card when one of your Agents is the target of an abduction. Max Fenig is abducted instead. Discard Max Fenig. The abduction is negated.
Number XF96-0204v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Max Fenig Premier Set XF96-0204v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Hodge
Type Witness
Activators Active, Medical
Keywords Witness, Medical
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's MEDICAL skill check.
Number XF96-0205v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Hodge Premier Set XF96-0205v1 on eBay
Name Doug Spinney
Type Witness
Activators Active, Sciences
Keywords Witness, Sciences
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's SCIENCES skill check.
Number XF96-0206v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Doug Spinney Premier Set XF96-0206v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Sheila Braun
Type Witness
Activators Active, Behavioral
Keywords Witness, Behavioral
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's BEHAVIORAL skill check.
Number XF96-0207v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Sheila Braun Premier Set XF96-0207v1 on eBay
Name U.S. Marshall Tapia
Type Witness
Activators Active, Evidence Collection
Keywords Witness, Evidence Collection
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's EVIDENCE COLLECTION skill check.
Number XF96-0208v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG U.S. Marshall Tapia Premier Set XF96-0208v1 on eBay
Name Brad Wilczek
Type Witness
Activators Active, Computer
Keywords Witness, Computer
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's COMPUTER skill check.
Number XF96-0209v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Brad Wilczek Premier Set XF96-0209v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Nollette
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Observation, Sciences, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword SCIENCES or OBSERVATION card is played.
Number XF96-0210v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Nollette Premier Set XF96-0210v1 on eBay
Name Ish-Tribal Elder
Type Witness
Activators Active, Occult Investigation
Keywords Witness, Occult Investigation
Effect Adds 2 to one Team's OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0211v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Ish-Tribal Elder Premier Set XF96-0211v1 on eBay
Name Sheriff Mazeroski
Type Witness
Activators Active, Government, Pawn
Keywords Witness, Alien, Negate
Effect Negates one GOVERNMENT PAWN.
Number XF96-0212v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Sheriff Mazeroski Premier Set XF96-0212v1 on eBay
Name Lt. Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt
Type Witness
Activators Active, Alien, Creature
Keywords Witness, Alien, Negate
Effect Negates one ALIEN CREATURE.
Number XF96-0213v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lt. Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt Premier Set XF96-0213v1 on eBay
Name Gung Bituen
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Occult, Resource
Effect Attach this Witness to a Team. Enables your Agents to deal damage to OCCULT CREATUREs as normal. For example, you may use LRC against POLTERGEISTs and VAMPIREs. If at any time there are no Agents in the Team to which this card is attached, discard this card.
Number XF96-0214v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Gung Bituen Premier Set XF96-0214v1 on eBay
Name Kristen Kilar
Type Witness
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Criminal Investigation, Occult Investigation, Resource
Effect Adds 1 [Resource] to your pool every time a Keyword OCCULT INVESTIGATION or CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION card is played.
Number XF96-0215v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Kristen Kilar Premier Set XF96-0215v1 on eBay
Name Gerd Thomas
Type Witness
Activators Active, Observation
Keywords Witness, Observation
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's OBSERVATION skill check.
Number XF96-0216v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Gerd Thomas Premier Set XF96-0216v1 on eBay
Name Dr. Daniel Trepkos
Type Witness
Activators Active, Primordial, Creature
Keywords Witness, Negate, Primordial
Number XF96-0217v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dr. Daniel Trepkos Premier Set XF96-0217v1 on eBay
Name Maggie Holvey
Type Witness
Activators Active, Occult Investigation
Keywords Witness, Occult Investigation
Effect Adds 1 to one Team's OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0218v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Maggie Holvey Premier Set XF96-0218v1 on eBay
Name Luther Lee Boggs
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Occult
Effect Play this card at anytime during your turn to examine your opponent's hand.
Number XF96-0219v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Luther Lee Boggs Premier Set XF96-0219v1 on eBay
Name Senator Richard Matheson
Type Witness
Activators Active
Keywords Witness, Bureaucracy, Resource
Effect Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to add 2 to one Team's BUREAUCRACY skill check. You may discard a token once per turn. Discard this resource when all tokens have been discarded.
Number XF96-0220v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Senator Richard Matheson Premier Set XF96-0220v1 on eBay
Name Successful Diagnosis
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Healing
Effect Play on a Team in the Hospital containing an injured Agent. The Agent heals 2 damage immediately.
Number XF96-0221v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Successful Diagnosis Premier Set XF96-0221v1 on eBay
Name Deep Throat
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Question
Effect Ask any one Characteristic question regarding one opponent's X-File. Remove this card from the game. The effects of this card may not be negated.
Number XF96-0222v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Deep Throat Premier Set XF96-0222v1 on eBay
Name Shutting Down The X-Files
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Move, Government
Effect Play on any Team containing Agent Fox Mulder and/or Agent Dana Scully. Mulder must immediately be moved to the Bureau. Scully must immediately be moved to the Hospital (undamage). Neither may contribute their skills to skill checks this turn.
Number XF96-0223v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Shutting Down The X-Files Premier Set XF96-0223v1 on eBay
Name Reporters At The Crime Scene
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Multiplayer, Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Question
Effect Play when one player has just asked a Characteristic question and you were not the Directed player. If the player achieved the prerequisite skill number exactly, then he must tell all opponents the answer to the Characteristic question.
Number XF96-0224v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Reporters At The Crime Scene Premier Set XF96-0224v1 on eBay
Name I Want To Believe
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Alien Investigation, Occult Investigation
Effect Play on one Agent to allow that Agent to use their EVIDENCE COLLECTION skill number for any one ALIEN INVESTIGATION or OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0225v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG I Want To Believe Premier Set XF96-0225v1 on eBay
Name Road Trip
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Move, Criminal Investigation
Effect Play on a Team in the Field during the Deployment Phase. If the Team makes a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 6+ skill check they may investigate two Sites this turn. Resolve each Site individually.
Number XF96-0226v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Road Trip Premier Set XF96-0226v1 on eBay
Name Hidden Transmitter
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy, Multiplayer
Keywords Event, Question, Government, Subterfuge
Effect Play after an opponent Team successfully asks a Characterisitic question. Force that opponent Team to make a SUBTERFUGE 4+ skill check. If they fail they must tell you the question and answer they obtained.
Number XF96-0227v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hidden Transmitter Premier Set XF96-0227v1 on eBay
Name Medical Treatment
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Healing
Effect Play on an Agent in the Hospital. The Agent heals one token of damage immediately.
Number XF96-0228v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Medical Treatment Premier Set XF96-0228v1 on eBay
Name Agent Weiss Killed By Unknown Toxin
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Killer, Alien
Effect If your opponent includes Agent Weiss in any skill check in the Field, Agent Weiss is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Number XF96-0229v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Weiss Killed By Unknown Toxin Premier Set XF96-0229v1 on eBay
Name The Cigarette-Smoking Man Strikes
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event
Effect Change any Keyword to any other Keyword on a card played by your opponent. This effect lasts until the end of the turn.
Number XF96-0230v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Cigarette-Smoking Man Strikes Premier Set XF96-0230v1 on eBay
Name Eve 7
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy, Bluff
Keywords Event, Evolutionary
Effect Make any Bluff cards from one Site to another Site or back into the owner's hand. If at the end of an Investigation Phase a Site is left with no Bluffs attached, discard it. X = 1 [Conspir] per Bluff moved.
Number XF96-0231v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Eve 7 Premier Set XF96-0231v1 on eBay
Name Street Contacts
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Criminal Investigation
Effect Search through your Bureau Deck and place any one Witness card in your hand. Show the Witness to your opponents. Shuffle the Bureau Deck.
Number XF96-0232v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Street Contacts Premier Set XF96-0232v1 on eBay
Name Government Arrests Suspects
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Witness
Keywords Event, Negate, Government
Effect Negate one Witness that modifies ALIEN INVESTIGATION or BUREAUCRACY skill.
Number XF96-0233v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Government Arrests Suspects Premier Set XF96-0233v1 on eBay
Name Red Tape
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy
Effect Play during the Briefing Phase to prevent one opponent from drawing any cards during the remainder of this turn.
Number XF96-0234v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Red Tape Premier Set XF96-0234v1 on eBay
Name S.W.A.T. Training
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Training
Effect Play on a Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn, the Agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: LRC, CRC or the ability to use MARTIAL ARTS Combat cards. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0235v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG S.W.A.T. Training Premier Set XF96-0235v1 on eBay
Name Fingerprints
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Evidence Collection, Resource
Effect Play on one Team in the Field. If the Team makes an EVIDENCE COLLECTION skill check 5+, then they may add 2 to any Site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Number XF96-0236v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fingerprints Premier Set XF96-0236v1 on eBay
Name Back Tracking Program
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Computer
Keywords Event, Computer
Effect Play this card to negate any Keyword COMPUTER card.
Number XF96-0237v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Back Tracking Program Premier Set XF96-0237v1 on eBay
Name Agent Lamana Dies In Fatal Elevator Accident
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Killer, Evolutionary
Effect If your opponent includes Agent Lamana in any skill check in the Field, Agent Lamana is instantly killed and remove from the game.
Number XF96-0238v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Lamana Dies In Fatal Elevator Accident Premier Set XF96-0238v1 on eBay
Name Evidence Destroyed
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Evidence Collection
Keywords Event, Negate, Evidence Collection
Effect Negate one Keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION card.
Number XF96-0239v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Evidence Destroyed Premier Set XF96-0239v1 on eBay
Name Surfing The Net
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Computer
Effect Have a Team make a COMPUTER 4+ skill check. If successful, draw three cards from your chosen opponent's Bureau deck and choose one to place in your Bureau Section face down. Place the other two cards back on top of your opponent's Bureau Deck in any order. You may use the chosen card when appropriate but you must pay the cost. Return the card to its owner's Discard Pile after it has been used. Leave this card in play on top of the card you've taken from your opponent to remind you that the card you took is considered an EVENT, RESOURCE
Number XF96-0240v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Surfing The Net Premier Set XF96-0240v1 on eBay
Name Government Sanctioned Pheromone Experiments
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Government
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a SCIENCES 4+ skill check. If the Team fails, you may choose an opposing Agent on the Team to enter combat with any other Agent on the Team. Combat will only last one round.
Number XF96-0241v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Government Sanctioned Pheromone Experiments Premier Set XF96-0241v1 on eBay
Name Thorough Documentation
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Evidence Collection, Resource
Effect Play prior to a Site skill check. If the Site skill check is successful, place this card in your Bureau Section. You may discard this card in any of your investigation phases to add 2 to a Site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Number XF96-0242v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Thorough Documentation Premier Set XF96-0242v1 on eBay
Name Skinner Chooses A Side
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event
Effect Play when Assistant Director Walter Skinner is in the Bureau Section of the table and the AFFILIATION of your opponent's X-File is known. Add the following modifiers to Skinner's skills: +1 BUREAUCRACY, +1 SUBTERFUGE. Skinner is now immune to the "Skinner Adopts The Company Line" card. Place two tokens on this card. Discard a token to negate one Event card. Place this card below Skinner to remind you of the increased skills.
Number XF96-0243v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Skinner Chooses A Side Premier Set XF96-0243v1 on eBay
Name Overwhelming Force
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event
Effect You may now play up to three Adversary cards simultaneously. All cards played using this card count as one Adversary card for game purposes (e.g., the "Overwhelming Force" card and all Adversaries can be negated as one card). The Adversaries all deal damage and take damage separately.
Number XF96-0244v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Overwhelming Force Premier Set XF96-0244v1 on eBay
Name Warning From The Loa
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Occult
Effect Force an opponent player to reveal any Adversary cards in their hand. If your opponent has one or more, discard one at random.
Number XF96-0245v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Warning From The Loa Premier Set XF96-0245v1 on eBay
Name Evidence Overlooked
Type Event
Activators Active, Site
Keywords Event, Observation, Resource
Effect If the Team makes an OBSERVATION 4+ skill check, they gain a +1 to the Site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Number XF96-0246v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Evidence Overlooked Premier Set XF96-0246v1 on eBay
Name Message From The Stars
Type Event
Activators Active, Alien, Adversary
Keywords Event, Negate, Question, Alien Investigation
Effect Negate one ALIEN Adversary. In addition, if the Team makes an ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check 6+, they may ask either one AFFILIATION question or one MOTIVE question.
Number XF96-0247v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Message From The Stars Premier Set XF96-0247v1 on eBay
Name Dana Scully, Abducted
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Alien
Effect If an Abduction card is played on a Team of Agents that includes Scully, Scully must be the Agent abducted instead. When Agent Scully returns to play she has the following modifiers added to her skills: +1 ALIEN INVESTIGATION, +1 OCCULT INVESTIGATION, +1 OBSERVATION, Keyword BELIEVER. Place this card below Scully to remind you of the increased skills. Place two tokens on this card. Discard a token to search through your Bureau deck and add any Healing card to your hand. Show it to your opponent and shuffle your deck.
Number XF96-0248v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dana Scully, Abducted Premier Set XF96-0248v1 on eBay
Name Reading The Signs
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Occult Investigation
Effect Play on any Team in the Field. If the Team makes an OCCULT INVESTIGATION 4+ skill check, they may take 2 [Conspir] from their opponent's Conspiracy Pool and add them to their Resource Pool.
Number XF96-0249v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Reading The Signs Premier Set XF96-0249v1 on eBay
Name Agent Jack Willis Shot To Death In Bank Robbery
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Killer, Occult
Effect If your opponent includes Agent Willis in any skill checks in the Field, Agent Willis is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Number XF96-0250v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Jack Willis Shot To Death In Bank Robbery Premier Set XF96-0250v1 on eBay
Name Skinner Adopts The Company Line
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Move, Government
Effect Play whenever Assistant Director Walter Skinner is involved in a skill check. Skinner must go back to the Bureau (if he is not already there) and may not contribute his skills to any skill check this turn.
Number XF96-0251v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Skinner Adopts The Company Line Premier Set XF96-0251v1 on eBay
Name Safe House
Type Event
Activators Active, Witness
Keywords Event
Effect Play on any Witness with a skill modifier to permanently add the Keyword EVENT and RESOURCE to the Witness. Thus, the Witness acts as an EVENT, RESOURCE card and remains in play. Place this card below the Witness to remind you of the effect.
Number XF96-0252v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Safe House Premier Set XF96-0252v1 on eBay
Name Crop Circles
Type Event
Activators Active, Site, Alien Investigation
Keywords Event, Alien, Resource
Effect Play after one of your Teams successfully investigates a Site with ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill as a prerequisite. Place this card in your Bureau. Discard this card to add 1 to an ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0253v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Crop Circles Premier Set XF96-0253v1 on eBay
Name Langly
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Bluff
Keywords Event
Effect Force one Bluff card attached to a Site to be discarded. If there are several Bluffs at the Site, the Bluff to be discarded must be chosen randomly.
Number XF96-0254v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Langly Premier Set XF96-0254v1 on eBay
Name Expedite Request For Resources
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy
Effect Play on a Team in the Bureau. If the Team makes a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check then you may search through your Bureau Deck and draw one Equipment card to add to you hand. Show the card to your opponents and then shuffle your deck.
Number XF96-0255v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Expedite Request For Resources Premier Set XF96-0255v1 on eBay
Name Paperwork
Type Event
Activators Conspiract
Keywords Event, Criminal Investigation
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 5+ skill check or they will be unable to add their skills to a Site skill check this turn.
Number XF96-0256v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Paperwork Premier Set XF96-0256v1 on eBay
Name Unexplainable Time Loss
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Alien, Event, Sciences
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a SCIENCES 4+ skill check or the current player's turn ends immediately.
Number XF96-0257v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Unexplainable Time Loss Premier Set XF96-0257v1 on eBay
Name Clone
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Alien, Event
Effect Play this card on any Witness that has just been played. The owning player must shuffle the Witness back into their Bureau deck immediately and does not benefit from the Witness.
Number XF96-0258v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Clone Premier Set XF96-0258v1 on eBay
Name Suspect Description
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Criminal Investigation
Effect Play on a Team that fails a Site skill check when combat was involved. If the Team makes a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 3+ skill check, place the Site in the Bureau. At the start of your Briefing Phase, you may place the Site into your hand.
Number XF96-0259v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Suspect Description Premier Set XF96-0259v1 on eBay
Name Smoke Screen
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy, Resource
Effect Play on a Team in the Bureau. If the Team makes a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check then designate a Team in the Field. As long as no new members are added to that Team, GOVERNMENT Adversaries may not attack that Team. This card remains in effect until a new Agent is added to the Team.
Number XF96-0260v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Smoke Screen Premier Set XF96-0260v1 on eBay
Name Dark Forces Align
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Phenomena
Effect Play on an opponent Team in any Section. For the rest of the turn, that Team is considered to have a single Characteristic SITE Keyword (i.e., RESULT SITE). You may choose any one Characteristic for the Keyword.
Number XF96-0261v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dark Forces Align Premier Set XF96-0261v1 on eBay
Name Computer Access Denied
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Computer
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a COMPUTER 4+ skill check or they will be unable to complete the skill check.
Number XF96-0262v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Computer Access Denied Premier Set XF96-0262v1 on eBay
Name Improved Channels
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Resource
Effect The Team must make a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check, If successful, you may now have up to ten cards in hand at the end of your turn. This condition stays in effect until you are forced to discard this card. Discard this card if one of your Agents is moved from or to the Bureau Section of the table for any reason.
Number XF96-0263v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Improved Channels Premier Set XF96-0263v1 on eBay
Name The Erlenmeyer Flask
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Negate, Alien Investigation, Bureaucracy
Effect Negates any one card played against your Team during a BUREAUCRACY or ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check.
Number XF96-0264v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Erlenmeyer Flask Premier Set XF96-0264v1 on eBay
Name Krycek, the Double Agent
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Government, Killer
Effect Play on Agent Krycek when he is in the Field and is involved in a skill check. Krycek engages one of the Team's Agents (opponent's choice) in Combat. No other Agents may contribute skills to the combat. If Krycek sends the chosen Agent to the Hospital within two rounds of combat, then Krycek stays on the team, otherwise he is removed from play. While Krycek is affected by this card he is considered a GOVERNMENT, MASTER Adversary. Cards that would cause Krycek to be discarded simply negate the combat.
Number XF96-0265v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Krycek, the Double Agent Premier Set XF96-0265v1 on eBay
Name Spying Mission
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Negate, Subterfuge
Effect Play on any Team. If the Team makes a SUBTERFUGE 4+ skill check, it may use this card to immediately negate any one card that requires them to make a non-combat skill check.
Number XF96-0266v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Spying Mission Premier Set XF96-0266v1 on eBay
Name Authorized Access Only
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Site
Keywords Event, Government, Subterfuge
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a SUBTERFUGE 4+ skill check. If they are not successful, they automatically fail the skill check for the Site.
Number XF96-0267v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Authorized Access Only Premier Set XF96-0267v1 on eBay
Name Equipment Malfunction
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Phenomena
Effect Force one opponent to discard one piece of equipment (your choice) that does not specifically modify LONG or CLOSE RANGE COMBAT.
Number XF96-0268v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Equipment Malfunction Premier Set XF96-0268v1 on eBay
Name The Local Law Enforcement Are Uncooperative
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Criminal Investigation
Keywords Event, Negate, Criminal Investigation
Effect Negate one Keyword CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION card.
Number XF96-0269v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Local Law Enforcement Are Uncooperative Premier Set XF96-0269v1 on eBay
Name The Lone Gunmen
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Site
Keywords Event, Resource
Effect Play "The Lone Gunmen" card on a Site. While played on a Site, The Lone Gunmen are considered a Keyword WITNESS card. A Site with The Lone Gunmen played on it stays in the Field until they are removed. During your Briefing Phase, pay 1 RP to place a token on the Site. When a Team investigates the Site, each token adds 1 to the skill check. Discard The Lone Gunmen after the skill check is resolved.
Number XF96-0270v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Lone Gunmen Premier Set XF96-0270v1 on eBay
Name Alien Discretion
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Site
Keywords Event, Alien, Phenomena
Effect Play on a Team about to investigate a Site with ALIEN INVESTIGATION as a prerequisite. Discard all cards assigned as Bluff cards at the Site. X = the number of Bluffs at the Site.
Number XF96-0271v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Discretion Premier Set XF96-0271v1 on eBay
Name Fingernail Scrapings
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Evidence Collection, Resource
Effect If the Team makes an EVIDENCE COLLECTION 4+ skill check, they gain a +1 to a Site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Number XF96-0272v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Fingernail Scrapings Premier Set XF96-0272v1 on eBay
Name Trust No One
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Witness
Keywords Event, Subterfuge
Effect The Witness's modifier is now changed to a negative (e.g., a +1 becomes a -1). If the Witness has an ability separate from a modifier, this card cancels that ability for this turn.
Number XF96-0273v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Trust No One Premier Set XF96-0273v1 on eBay
Name Lula Phillips
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event
Effect Play this card after an Adversary sends any Agent to the Hospital or removes an Agent from the game. Place five tokens in your [Conspir] pool.
Number XF96-0274v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lula Phillips Premier Set XF96-0274v1 on eBay
Name No Place Is Safe
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event
Effect For the remainder of this turn, the Bureau is considered to have a single Characteristic SITE Keyword. You may choose any one Characteristic for the Keyword (i.e., RESULT SITE).
Number XF96-0275v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG No Place Is Safe Premier Set XF96-0275v1 on eBay
Name Blackmail
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy, Question
Effect Play when you have just quessed incorrectly the identity of an X-File. Select a Team in your Bureau. If that Team successfully completes a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check, your opponent does not get to ask you a penalty question.
Number XF96-0276v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Blackmail Premier Set XF96-0276v1 on eBay
Name Dissection
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event
Effect Play this card after a Team of Agents damages an Adversary in combat by dealing enough wounds to kill it. Place five tokens in the [Resource] pool.
Number XF96-0277v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Dissection Premier Set XF96-0277v1 on eBay
Name Hack Into Government Files
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Computer
Effect Play on a Team to make a COMPUTER 4+ skill check. If successful, you may select any card in your collection and add it to your hand. The card need not be part of your Bureau deck. Nor may it exceed the limit of two cards per deck.
Number XF96-0278v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hack Into Government Files Premier Set XF96-0278v1 on eBay
Name Application For F.B.I. Resources Approved
Type Event
Effect If the Team makes a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check, you may borrow any one of your opponent's Agents. It may not be an Agent you already control. Add the Agent to the Team for the remainder of the turn. Afterward, the Agent returns to the original owner's control. The Agent must be returned to the Team it belonged to or sent to the Hospital if the Agent was reduced to 0 HEALTH during a combat.
Number XF96-0279v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Application For F.B.I. Resources Approved Premier Set XF96-0279v1 on eBay
Name Expert Briefing
Type Event
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Training
Effect Play on a Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn the Agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: OBSERVATION, BEHAVIORAL, or SUBTERFUGE. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0280v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Expert Briefing Premier Set XF96-0280v1 on eBay
Name Access Personnel Files
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy, Multiplayer
Keywords Event, Computer, Resource
Effect Force an opponent Team to make a COMPUTER 4+ skill check. If they fail, that opponent must tell you the next answer that they obtain regarding the X-File of your choice. The answer need not be a "yes" answer. Discard this card after you've obtained the answer.
Number XF96-0281v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Access Personnel Files Premier Set XF96-0281v1 on eBay
Name Hard Evidence
Type event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Evidence
Effect Add fice tokens to your [Resource] pool.
Number XF96-0282v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hard Evidence Premier Set XF96-0282v1 on eBay
Name Relentless Pursuit
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event
Effect Play to prevent the opposing player from drawing cards after the player has paid, but before the cards are drawn. X = The number of cards that the opposing player has paid to draw.
Number XF96-0283v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Relentless Pursuit Premier Set XF96-0283v1 on eBay
Name Counterintelligence Measures
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Negate
Effect Play this card after your opponent has asked a Characteristic Question regarding your X-File. After you answer the question, your opponent must answer the question as well. Your opponent may still quess your X-File identity if normally allowed to do so, but you may not.
Number XF96-0284v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Counterintelligence Measures Premier Set XF96-0284v1 on eBay
Name Deductive Reasoning
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Question, Criminal
Effect Play on a Team that has just completed a combat. If the Team makes a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 5+ skill check, then they may ask whether or not the Adversary has a Keyword that is the same as the AFFILIATION of the controller's X-File.
Number XF96-0285v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Deductive Reasoning Premier Set XF96-0285v1 on eBay
Name Grid Pattern Search
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Evidence Collection
Effect Select one card from your Discard Pile and place it in your hand.
Number XF96-0286v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Grid Pattern Search Premier Set XF96-0286v1 on eBay
Name Driving
Type event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Move, Criminal Investigation
Effect Play on a Team in the Field during the Deployment Phase. If the Team makes a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 5+ skill check, they may investigate two Sites in the same state this turn.
Number XF96-0287v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Driving Premier Set XF96-0287v1 on eBay
Name In Service Training
Type Event
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Training
Effect Play on an Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase on the second turn, the Agent may be deployed as normal, and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: COMPUTER, MEDICAL, or SCIENCES. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0288v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG In Service Training Premier Set XF96-0288v1 on eBay
Name Rejuvenating Caves
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Resource
Effect Play this card next to the X-File you have chosen. Place ten tokens on this card. Beginning on your opponent's next turn you may take up to two tokens from this card and place them in your [Conspir] pool. The tokens become [Conspir] tokens. When all counters have been removed, discard this card.
Number XF96-0289v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Rejuvenating Caves Premier Set XF96-0289v1 on eBay
Name Alien Experimentation
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Event
Keywords Event, Negate, Alien
Effect Negate any one Keyword EVENT card.
Number XF96-0290v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Experimentation Premier Set XF96-0290v1 on eBay
Name Hidden Grave
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Medical
Effect Take any Witness from your opponent's Discard Pile and use it for one skill check immediately at no cost.
Number XF96-0291v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hidden Grave Premier Set XF96-0291v1 on eBay
Name Trap
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Observation
Effect Play on a Team in the Field at the start of combat. Force the opponent Team to make an OBSERVATION 4+ skill check. If they fail, the following combat will be fought between the Adversary and one Agent of your choice. No other Agents may participate in the combat.
Number XF96-0292v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Trap Premier Set XF96-0292v1 on eBay
Name X
Type Event
Activators Active, Adversary
Keywords Event, Negate
Effect Negate any one Keyword ADVERSARY card.
Number XF96-0293v1 (Ultra-Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG X Premier Set XF96-0293v1 on eBay
Name Assigned to the X-Files
Type event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy, Killer
Effect Play to permanently add any one Agent from your hand to a Team. The normal rules for selecting an Agent still apply. In addition, the Agent may not be one that was removed from the game prior to playing this card. X= the Agent's Cost.
Number XF96-0294v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Assigned to the X-Files Premier Set XF96-0294v1 on eBay
Name Plague Of Locusts
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Witness
Keywords Event, Occult Investigation
Effect Force an opponent Team to make an OCCULT INVESTIGATION 4+ skill check. If they fail, negate all Witnesses that are modifying the Team's skill check.
Number XF96-0295v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Plague Of Locusts Premier Set XF96-0295v1 on eBay
Name X-Files Research
Type Event
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Training
Effect Play on an Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn, the Agent may be deployed as normal, and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, OCCULT INVESTIGATION, or SCIENCES. This card may not be played on Agents Mulder or Scully. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0296v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG X-Files Research Premier Set XF96-0296v1 on eBay
Name A Friend In The FBI
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Resource
Effect Play this card in the Bureau. Place ten tokens on this card. During your Briefing phase you may take up to two tokesn from this card and place htem in your [Resource] pool. The tokens become (change to) [Resource] tokens. When all tokens have been removed, discard this card.
Number XF96-0297v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG A Friend In The FBI Premier Set XF96-0297v1 on eBay
Name Written Report
Type Event
Activators Active, Move
Keywords Event, Move
Effect Play when an Agent is forced to return to the Bureau. Prior to moving, the Team may make a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 5+ skill check. If successful, the Agent does not have to return to the Bureau.
Number XF96-0298v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Written Report Premier Set XF96-0298v1 on eBay
Name Government Mindwipe Serum
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Government
Effect Force one opponent to discard all cards in their hand that contain the Keyword ALIEN INVESTIGATION or BUREAUCRACY.
Number XF96-0299v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Government Mindwipe Serum Premier Set XF96-0299v1 on eBay
Name Travel Arrangements
Type Event
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Move
Effect You may move one of your Agents to any Section immediately. This card may not be played once an Adversary has forced combat until after the combat is resolved. The Agent may join any Team that occupies the new Section.
Number XF96-0300v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Travel Arrangements Premier Set XF96-0300v1 on eBay
Name Decoy
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Adversary
Keywords Event, Subterfuge, Negate
Effect Play when an Adversary is allowed to enter combat with a single Agent. If the Team to which the Agent is attached makes a SUBTERFUGE 4+ skill check, the Adversary is negated.
Number XF96-0301v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Decoy Premier Set XF96-0301v1 on eBay
Name Autopsy
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Medical
Effect Take a Witness from your Discard Pile and place it in your hand. In addition, if the Team makes a MEDICAL 4+ skill check, the Witness's modifier is doubled if played this turn.
Number XF96-0302v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Autopsy Premier Set XF96-0302v1 on eBay
Name Evasive Maneuvers
Type Event
Activators Active, Adversary
Keywords Event, Negate
Effect Negate one non-PHENOMENA Adversary.
Number XF96-0303v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Evasive Maneuvers Premier Set XF96-0303v1 on eBay
Name Frohike
Type Event
Activators Active, Event
Keywords Event, Negate
Effect This card will negate one Event card played on your Team.
Number XF96-0304v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Frohike Premier Set XF96-0304v1 on eBay
Name Agent Reggie Purdue Found Strangled
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Conspiracy
Keywords Event, Killer, Government
Effect If your opponent includes Agent Purdue in any skill check in the Field, Agent Purdue is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Number XF96-0305v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Agent Reggie Purdue Found Strangled Premier Set XF96-0305v1 on eBay
Name Road Hazard
Type Event
Activators Conspiracy, Move
Keywords Event, Negate
Effect Negate one card with the Keyword MOVE.
Number XF96-0306v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Road Hazard Premier Set XF96-0306v1 on eBay
Name Core Training
Type Event
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Training
Effect Play on an Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn, the Agent may be deployed as normal, and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION or EVIDENCE COLLECTION. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0307v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Core Training Premier Set XF96-0307v1 on eBay
Name Samuel Hartley
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active
Keywords Event, Occult, Killer
Effect Play on a Team in the Field that has just had an Agent removed from the game this turn. Make an OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill check of 4+. If successful, the Agent remains in play.
Number XF96-0308v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Samuel Hartley Premier Set XF96-0308v1 on eBay
Name True Grit
Type Event
Activators Active, Agent
Keywords Event, Behavioral
Effect Play when an Agent is forced to go to the Hospital. They must still go to the Hospital by the end of this turn but they may add their skills to one skill check before going.
Number XF96-0309v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG True Grit Premier Set XF96-0309v1 on eBay
Name Decreased Workload
Type Event
Advanced Yellow
Activators Active, Briefing
Keywords Event, Bureaucracy
Effect Play during the Briefing Phase. One Team is the Bureau may make a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check. If successful, choose one Agent. The Agent now has a RES number equal to the Agent's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION skill during the next Briefing Phase. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Number XF96-0310v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Decreased Workload Premier Set XF96-0310v1 on eBay
Name Laptop Computer
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's COMPUTER skill.
Number XF96-0311v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Laptop Computer Premier Set XF96-0311v1 on eBay
Name Gas Chromatograph
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Agents equipped with a Gas Chromatograph have access to the field office crime lab. Adds 1 to the Agent's SCIENCES skill.
Number XF96-0312v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Gas Chromatograph Premier Set XF96-0312v1 on eBay
Name Wire-Tap
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's SUBTERFUGE skill.
Number XF96-0313v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Wire-Tap Premier Set XF96-0313v1 on eBay
Name Binoculars
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Standard
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's OBSERVATION skill.
Number XF96-0314v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Binoculars Premier Set XF96-0314v1 on eBay
Name Medi-Kit
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Healing, Standard
Effect An Agent with MEDICAL skill may use the Medi-Kit to heal one wound on any agent in the Team once per turn. This may prevent an Agent from going to the Hospital.
Number XF96-0315v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Medi-Kit Premier Set XF96-0315v1 on eBay
Name Kevlar Vest
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Armor, Standard
Effect The Kevlar Vest will absorb three points of damage. Place three tokens on this card. Discard a token to prevent one point of damage. Discard the Vest when all the tokens have been discarded. Excess damage is applied to the Agent as normal.
Number XF96-0316v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Kevlar Vest Premier Set XF96-0316v1 on eBay
Name Glock 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Weapon, Standard
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's LONG RANGE COMBAT skill.
Number XF96-0317v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Glock 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol Premier Set XF96-0317v1 on eBay
Name High Resolution Camera
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Standard
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's OBSERVATION skill.
Number XF96-0318v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG High Resolution Camera Premier Set XF96-0318v1 on eBay
Name High-Powered Flashlight
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Mechanical, Special
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill.
Number XF96-0319v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG High-Powered Flashlight Premier Set XF96-0319v1 on eBay
Name Government Car
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Mechanical, Standard
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION skill.
Number XF96-0320v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Government Car Premier Set XF96-0320v1 on eBay
Name Knife
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Weapon, Standard
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill.
Number XF96-0321v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Knife Premier Set XF96-0321v1 on eBay
Name Taped Intelligence
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's BUREAUCRACY skill. GOVERNMENT Adversaries may now attack the Agent's TEAM when investigating a Site, even when they would otherwise be barred from doing so.
Number XF96-0322v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Taped Intelligence Premier Set XF96-0322v1 on eBay
Name Walther PPK 7.65 Hold Out Weapon
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Weapon, Standard
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's CLOSE RANGE COMBAT skill.
Number XF96-0323v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Walther PPK 7.65 Hold Out Weapon Premier Set XF96-0323v1 on eBay
Name Geiger Counter
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill.
Number XF96-0324v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Geiger Counter Premier Set XF96-0324v1 on eBay
Name Hospital Crash Cart
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Hospital
Keywords Equipment, Healing, Special
Effect This piece of Equipment does not need to be attached to any Agent. Place three tokens on the Hospital Crash Cart. Discard one token to heal one point of damage to an Agent in the Hospital. Discard when all three tokens have been expended.
Number XF96-0325v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hospital Crash Cart Premier Set XF96-0325v1 on eBay
Name Cellular Phone
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Special
Effect The Agent may add his skills to a skill check that is occuring in another Section of the table. The Agent's skill is reduced by one (I.e., Skill: 3 becomes Skill: 2). LONG RANGE COMBAT and CLOSE RANGE COMBAT may not be added.
Number XF96-0326v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Cellular Phone Premier Set XF96-0326v1 on eBay
Name Symbol of Faith
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Field, Believer
Keywords Equipment, Mystic
Effect OCCULT Adversaries may not assign damage to this Agent unless there are no other eligible targets. If the Agent is the only eligible target then the damage from OCCULT Adversaries is halved.
Number XF96-0327v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Symbol of Faith Premier Set XF96-0327v1 on eBay
Name Electron Emission Microscope
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Agents equipped with an Electron Emission Microscope have access to the field office crime lab. Adds 1 to the Agent's MEDICAL skill.
Number XF96-0328v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Electron Emission Microscope Premier Set XF96-0328v1 on eBay
Name Shotgun
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Weapon, Standard
Effect Adds 3 to the Agent's LONG RANGE COMBAT skill once per combat. Damage may be split if there are multiple opponents (your choice).
Number XF96-0329v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Shotgun Premier Set XF96-0329v1 on eBay
Name Mini-14 Assault Rifle
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Weapon, Special
Effect Adds 2 to the Agent's LONG RANGE COMBAT skill. Damage may be split of there are multiple opponents (your choice).
Number XF96-0330v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mini-14 Assault Rifle Premier Set XF96-0330v1 on eBay
Name Mojo Bag
Type Equipment
Advanced Yellow
Activators Field, Believer
Keywords Equipment, Mystic
Effect Subtract one point from each damaging hit caused by an OCCULT CREATURE. In addition, OCCULT Adversaries may not play combat cards on Agents equipped with a Mojo Bag.
Number XF96-0331v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Mojo Bag Premier Set XF96-0331v1 on eBay
Name Lie Detector
Type Equipment
Activators Bureau
Keywords Equipment, Electrical, Special
Effect Adds 1 to the Agent's BEHAVIORAL skill.
Number XF96-0332v1 (Common)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Lie Detector Premier Set XF96-0332v1 on eBay
Name Slithers In The Night
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Affiliation Site
Keywords Adversary, Occult, Creature, Pawn
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 6~Health: 6
Number XF96-0333v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Slithers In The Night Premier Set XF96-0333v1 on eBay
Name Alien Harvester
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Alien Investigation
Keywords Adversary, Alien, Phenomena
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: N/A~Health: N/A
Effect Your opponent may not spread out Agents until this card is resolved. Hold this card twelve inches up and twelve inches away from the opponent's Team. Flip the card so that it spins through the air. All of the Agents in the Investigating Team that are being touched byy the Alien Harvester when it stops are abducted! Discard any Equipment attached to the abducted Agents. The Agents are placed ten cards down, face-up, in the Bureau deck. When the Agent cards reach the top of the deck, the Agents are immediately moved to the Hospital (though they are not damaged).
Number XF96-0334v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Harvester Premier Set XF96-0334v1 on eBay
Name Hunter In The Dark
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Result Site
Keywords Adversary, Primordial, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 4~Health: 5
Effect The LONG RANGE COMBAT round is skipped.
Number XF96-0335v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Hunter In The Dark Premier Set XF96-0335v1 on eBay
Name Crew Cut Man
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Method Site
Keywords Adversary, Government, Pawn, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: 4~Close Range Combat: 4~Health: 5
Effect The chosen Agent is the only one who may participate in the Combat. The Crew-Cut Man may use MARTIAL ARTS and SUBTERFUGE Combat cards.
Number XF96-0336v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Crew Cut Man Premier Set XF96-0336v1 on eBay
Name Alien Bounty Hunter
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Motive Site
Keywords Adversary, Alien, Creature, Master
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 6~Health: 6
Effect Each source of damage affecting the Alien Bounty Hunter in CLOSE RANGE COMBAT also causes 1 damage to each opposing Team member involved in the Combat (because he has poisonous blood). The Hunter may use MARTIAL ARTS and SUBTERFUGE Combat cards. If killed in Combat, place the Hunter back in your deck and shuffle.
Number XF96-0337v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Alien Bounty Hunter Premier Set XF96-0337v1 on eBay
Name The Host Attacks
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Result Site
Keywords Adversary, Evolutionary, Creature, Killer
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 3
Effect Place five tokens on any Agent that loses HEALTH as a result of this creature's attack. Remove a token in each of that Agent's Briefing Phases. At the end of the turn in which the last token is removed, the Agent is removed from the game. This card can be negated by the Team containing the affilicted Agent making a MEDICAL 3+ skill check or by playing a HEALING card on the afflicted player prior to the Agent being removed.
Number XF96-0338v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Host Attacks Premier Set XF96-0338v1 on eBay
Name Pvt. McAlpin, Zombie
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Motive Site
Keywords Adversary, Occult, Creature, Pawn
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 5~Health: 6
Effect LONG RANGE COMBAT attacks cause only half damage (round up) to the Zombie.
Number XF96-0339v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Pvt. McAlpin, Zombie Premier Set XF96-0339v1 on eBay
Name Good People, Good Food
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Motive Site
Keywords Adversary, Primordial, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: 0~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 10
Effect Damage caused by this creature may be split among all opponent's (Directed Player's choice).
Number XF96-0340v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Good People, Good Food Premier Set XF96-0340v1 on eBay
Name The Sandman
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Result Site
Keywords Adversary, Evolutionary, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: Special~Close Range Combat: Special~Health: 5
Effect The Creature has LONG RANGE COMBAT and CLOSE RANGE COMBAT equal to the highest Combat rating on the opposing team (including modifiers) +1. The Sandman may use SUBTERFUGE Combat cards.
Number XF96-0341v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Sandman Premier Set XF96-0341v1 on eBay
Name Abduction
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Alien Investigation
Keywords Adversary, Alien, Phenomena
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: N/A~Health: N/A
Effect Pick one Agent in the Team. That Agent is placed ten cards down, face up, in the owning player's Bureau deck. Any equipment the Agent has is discarded. When the Agent's card reaches the top of the deck, the Agent is immediately moved to the Hospital (undamaged). this card does not initiate Combat.
Number XF96-0342v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Abduction Premier Set XF96-0342v1 on eBay
Name Squeeze
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Method Site
Keywords Adversary, Evolutionary, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 5
Effect The LONG RANGE COMBAT round is skipped.
Number XF96-0343v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Squeeze Premier Set XF96-0343v1 on eBay
Name The Psychotic Attack
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Method Site
Keywords Adversary, Evolutionary, Pawn
Stats Long Range Combat: 3~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 5
Effect Damage from LONG RANGE COMBAT may be split among all opponents (Directed Player's choice).
Number XF96-0344v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Psychotic Attack Premier Set XF96-0344v1 on eBay
Name The Mechanic
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Affiliation Site
Keywords Adversary, Government, Pawn, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: 4~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 5
Effect The Mechanic may use MARTIAL ARTS and SUBTERFUGE Combat cards.
Number XF96-0345v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Mechanic Premier Set XF96-0345v1 on eBay
Name Darkness Falls
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Result Site
Keywords Adversary, Primordial, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: N/A~Health: N/A
Effect Unless a HEALING card is played immediately and the card results in one point being healed, move the Agent to the Hospital. The Agent must stay in the Hospital for the next turn.
Number XF96-0346v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Darkness Falls Premier Set XF96-0346v1 on eBay
Name Suppressed Fury
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Result Site
Keywords Adversary, Primordial, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 9
Effect Regardless of how much damage is done to this creature in the LONG RANGE COMBAT round, it will attack in the CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round. If its HEALTH has been exceeded, it is removed at the end of the CRC round.
Number XF96-0347v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Suppressed Fury Premier Set XF96-0347v1 on eBay
Name Living Machine
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Computer
Keywords Adversary, Evolutionary, Phenomena
Stats Long Range Combat: 0~Close Range Combat: 4~Health: 7
Effect Fight Combat as normal except skip LONG RANGE COMBAT and go straight to CLOSE RANGE COMBAT. Agents must use their COMPUTER skill as their value in CRC. If an Agent has no COMPUTER skill, their value is 1.
Number XF96-0348v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Living Machine Premier Set XF96-0348v1 on eBay
Name Operation Falcon Blue Berets
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Method Site
Keywords Adversary, Government, Pawn, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: 4~Close Range Combat: 3~Health: 8
Effect Damage caused by this creature may be split among all opponents (Directed Player's choice). The Blue Berets may use MARTIAL ARTS Combat Cards.
Number XF96-0349v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Operation Falcon Blue Berets Premier Set XF96-0349v1 on eBay
Name Pheromone-Induced Psychosis
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Witness
Keywords Adversary, Government, Phenomena
Stats Long Range Combat: Special~Close Range Combat: Special~Health: 3
Effect Play this card on a Team in the Field that plays a Witness. The Witness card is discarded and the Team is attacked! The Creature's LONG RANGE COMBAT and CLOSE RANGE COMBAT are equal to the Witness's modifier. If the Witness has no modifier, treat the Witness as a +3.
Number XF96-0350v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Pheromone-Induced Psychosis Premier Set XF96-0350v1 on eBay
Name Deadly Blur
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Motive Site
Keywords Adversary, Alien, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 4~Health: 6
Effect Any Agent damaged by the Deadly Blur is placed in the Hospital for the next two turns regardless of how much HEALTH they have. Each opponent's LONG RANGE COMBAT and CLOSE RANGE COMBAT is reduced by one point. The Deadly Blur may use SUBTERFUGE Combat cards.
Number XF96-0351v1 (Uncommon)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Deadly Blur Premier Set XF96-0351v1 on eBay
Name The Manitou Stalks His Prey
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Motive Site
Keywords Adversary, Occult, Creature
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 6~Health: 8
Effect Any Agent wounded by the Manitou may not heal wounds until a HEALING card is successfully played on them.
Number XF96-0352v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG The Manitou Stalks His Prey Premier Set XF96-0352v1 on eBay
Name Poltergeist Attack
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Occult Investigation
Keywords Adversary, Occult, Creature, Phenomena
Stats Long Range Combat: 2~Close Range Combat: 2~Health: 2
Effect The Poltergeist is unaffected by Combat attacks. It will attack for one one LONG RANGE COMBAT and one CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round and then is discarded.
Number XF96-0353v1 (Fixed)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Poltergeist Attack Premier Set XF96-0353v1 on eBay
Name Kiss Of The Vampire
Type Adversary
Activators Conspiracy, Witness
Keywords Adversary, Occult, Creature, Master
Stats Long Range Combat: N/A~Close Range Combat: 5~Health: 6
Effect Play this card on a Team in the Field that plays a Witness. Discard the Witness card. The Witness actually becomes a lesser vampire that attacks the Team in conjunction with the master vampire, with a CLOSE RANGE COMBAT rating of 3 and HEALTH rating of 3. LONG RANGE COMBAT will cause no damage to either vampire.
Number XF96-0354v1 (Rare)
Shop buy X-Files CCG Kiss Of The Vampire Premier Set XF96-0354v1 on eBay